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Star Trek Beyond


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Star Trek: Beyond- First... Thank you again so much, Jay!! For your fantastic reactions for this incredible Star Trek Trilogy starring these incredible actors... Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Anton Yelchin, and Zoe Saldana! As well as these three movies' main villains... Benedict Cumberbatch, Eric Bana, and Idris Elba. I've loved watching your reactions for each of these movies. They're all so fun and so brilliantly acted, and I am so happy to see how much of blast you've had watching them! And the incredible sequels for the first of this trilogy... Star Trek: Into Darkness and Star Trek: Beyond, are just as fantastic as the first... Star Trek! Star Trek: Beyond is just as good as the first two movies within this trilogy. I really do love it a lot. I love the overall story arcs within this movie. And I really love seeing the personal dilemmas happening with both Kirk and Spock, as they're struggling with deciding whether or not to remain just where they are within Starfleet. I can't say which of these three movies I love the most, because I really do love them all fairly equally. In the first movie... I love seeing the alternate timeline that comes about because of the time travel aspects caused by the original Spock. In the second movie... I absolutely love Benedict Cumberbatch in the role of Kahn, and he's easily my favorite of the main villains within these movies. He's absolutely phenomenal! And in this third movie... I absolutely love Jayla as a new character, and all of the humor and banter between Bones and Spock. Fantastic! :) Tragically, the young Russian actor who plays Chekov, the youngest member of the crew... Anton Yelchin, was killed just before the third movie within this trilogy was released in theaters, when something in his car malfunctioned causing it to roll forward, and pin Anton Yelchin against a brick wall behind him, where he was crushed and remained trapped for some time before he was found. His death sounds horrific and so painful, and it's so, so sad. Thankfully, he was able to complete the third film before this accident occurred, but his death is so heartbreaking. He was so young. And I really appreciate and love that there is a dedication to Anton Yelchin within the credits of this third movie too. Also... Leonard Nemoy, who plays old Spock... the original Spock, in the alternate timeline, also died sometime shortly after the second movie finished filming. This trilogy's third movie... Stark Trek: Beyond, most certainly offers a beautiful send off to the man who first brought the iconic character of Spock to life within the original Star Trek TV series from the 60s, and the original Star Trek movies, as it's revealed that Spock's older version of himself from the alternate timeline has died. And of course, young Spock would be shaken by this news. Not only does he come to see the end of his other self's life, making him wonder if he will die in the same way or at the same age, but it also makes him feel obligated to continue on with his other's self's good work. Thankfully, Spock comes to see that it's still the best for him to follow his own heart and passions by the ending of this movie. And I love seeing in the ending among the original Spock's personal belongs, the picture of the entire original main cast of the Star Trek series from the 60s series, including Leonard Nemoy as Spock and William Shatner as Kirk. Such a beautiful tribute to this cast, and especially to Leonard Nemoy. And lastly... Jayla, the woman with the white and black striped makeup, is indeed Sofia Boutella, whom you recently watched in Kingsman: The Secret Service as Gazelle... the crazy, yet beautiful woman with the metal legs working as Valentine's (Samuel L. Jackson) right hand woman. She's amazing! I love her in both of these movies! :) Thank you once more for your incredible and fun reactions for these fantastic movies that I love, Jay!! I am so, so happy you loved them, and had so much fun watching them for me! :) Sincerely, Heidi