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Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 16 RAM


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

First and foremost... Thank you very much for your kind words and appreciations for my support, Jay! I am so happy to be here, as one of your loyal supporters. I truly love all of your wonderful reactions for these shows and movies I love so much. Especially for Person of Interest, Almost Human, and all of my movies I've requested for you. And I am so, so happy that you have been enjoying everything I've requested from you!! You're a fabulous reactor, my dear friend! Thank you truly! :) RAM- Yay!! I absolutely love this episode! And it's easily one of my favorite episodes... Not only this season, but throughout this entire series as well! It's fantastic seeing an entire episode taking place back before Finch hires Reese, as he's working with another skilled fighter named Dillinger. And I love how Reese becomes involved throughout the storyline, as he's still trapped working with Kara and the agency he's shown in this episode to have already begun to question at this point. I absolutely love how this episode reveals to us the moment that Finch comes to see that Reese is a very good man, with a good moral core, in spite of him working with a dirty government agency at this time, and that he could be a phenomenal choice for his next partner upon Dillinger's betrayal and tragic death. I love seeing Finch and Dillinger at odds, and unfortunately, Finch's secrets lead Dillinger down a dark path that winds up getting him killed. Of course... Dillinger doesn't have the good in him that Reese has, and he doesn't feel the guilt that Reese is plagued by, which is what makes Reese and Dillinger so different. And I absolutely love it! And while his death is caused by his own betrayal of Finch and greed, I still feel badly for Dillinger. Because he didn't deserve to be killed like he does. He's a scumbag, and I hate him for betraying Finch. But by Finch refusing to tell Dillinger more than what is absolutely necessary for him to know during their partnership together, his secrets inevitably is why Dillinger does betray Finch, and they're why Finch is partially responsible for Dillinger's death as well. And we can see in Finch's eyes and in the pain on his face in the end as he's staring down at Dillinger's dead body, that Finch understands this full well. And while Finch hesitates with telling Reese the whole truth in the beginning of their partnership as well... Finch does wind up telling Reese the truth about the Machine straightaway, as we see in the Pilot episode. And he winds up revealing so much more, even more about himself, to Reese as well. And the events within this episode, shows us that Finch learned this hard lesson upon seeing what him keeping quiet about everything had done to Dillinger. So, Finch is far more upfront with Reese. Plus... Reese and Finch do quickly become good friends, because Reese is very different from Dillinger. Reese is a good man with a strong moral core. Which we see upon him going against the orders from Kara and his agency, to protect Daniel Casey, a man Reese sees to be a good man. And this is clearly one of the moments when Reese begins to see that something is very wrong with Kara and the agency he works for. I love the scenes between Finch and Daniel Casey as they talk and how they bond over the computer and their skills. I like how Dillinger had planted a bug so he could learn about Finch's secrets. It's unfortunate that his secrets lead Dillinger to betraying Finch. And while Reese used to do all he could in the beginning to find out Finch's secrets as well, he still trusted Finch enough right from the beginning to fight to protect him and the people they're trying to save simply because Finch saved his life. And Reese doesn't work for the money like Dillinger did. Reese only wants to help people. And this episode truly makes me love and appreciate Reese all the more. :) Harold does tell Reese early on that he wasn't the first he had hired to work with him to help him save the numbers. And I always wanted to see more backstory on what happened before Reese. More so... I always wanted to see how Reese came into Finch's sights to become the true hero that Dillinger most certainly never was. And this episode gives me everything I wanted! :) Also... I love how intertwined a number of characters we know throughout the show so far are. Shaw, Kara, Greer, and those known as Control and Special Counsel. I love seeing that Shaw turns out to be the one to kill Dillinger for Special Counsel and Control back when she and her former partner Cole were still working for them, and how they, along with Greer and his men. are all seeking the computer that Dillinger tries to sell to the Chinese for money. I really love seeing how this episode connects to the events we see throughout season one, that leads to Reese and Kara later going after this very same laptop in China, back when they are both ordered to take one another out. And that these events are actually caused by Dillinger upon him being foolish enough to try to sell the laptop to the Chinese. This episode also connects to a previous episode earlier this season, titled... Mors Praematura, when we meet Jason Greenfield, the man who previously worked for Vigilance until Root and Shaw save him upon Vigilance turning on him for refusing to follow their twisted orders. Greenfield was told by Root to head to the same tropical island, where Daniel Casey is now heading to meet up with him, also at Root's orders. The connections are insane!! And I love it!!! :) My absolute favorite scene throughout this episode, is towards the end, when Reese spares Casey's life against his orders to kill him, upon recognizing that Casey doesn't have the eyes of a traitor like he's been told about Casey. And I love that Finch is watching this scene play out from a distance, and how this moment for Reese is part of what helps Finch make the decision to bring Reese on as his new partner. Absolutely brilliant!!! I love it! Overall... This is an absolutely fabulous episode, and it's easily one of my favorite episodes within season three!!! Even throughout the entire show. I absolutely love it! :) Thank you so much again for your reaction for this marvelous episode in Person of Interest, Jay! I can't wait for you to continue on with more Person of Interest!! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Fredrik IB

Genuinely one of the very best and well crafted flashback episodes in Television. Period.