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Once Upon A Time Season 1 Episode 4 The Price of Gold


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Price of Gold- Rumplestiltskin is phenomenal! Robert Carlyle is the actor who plays him and Mr. Gold, and he can outshine most other characters with the exception of a few others, in almost every scene he's in. He is just an absolutely incredible actor! Thank you so much for another fun reaction, Jay! I absolutely enjoy this episode, and I had so much fun watching it again with you! It's not one of my favorites within season one. However, I still absolutely enjoy this episode for what it is and all of its twists! I'm happy you enjoyed it a lot too! I am so happy you are loving this show so much too!! In regards to the Rumplestiltskin fairytale... Rumplestiltskin is most definitely known for making deals for people's firstborn children, just as he's known for wanting to know people's names, and for spinning straw into gold, hence the reason why his cursed name in Storybrooke is Mr. Gold. This is why you see him often spinning straw into gold in the show, and why he and Gold seek to steal Cinderella's/Ashley's baby. Because it's one of his many character traits. And there is more to him wanting to take her baby, as well as to him being known for taking other babies as well... a reveal that will come throughout the show as well. In regards to Cinderella's name in Storybrooke being Ashley... In the Cinderella fairytale, Ella is given the name Cinderella because her stepsisters and stepmother cruelly call her such on account of her being forced to sleep on the floor by the fireplace where she's constantly getting dirty on account of the cinders from the fire. In our world, her name is Ashley because the word "ash" is a synonym for the word "cinder". Hence... Cinderella and Ashley. I absolutely love the significance of their names and how they corollate with who they truly are within the Enchanted Forest. And pretty much everyone's names between both worlds corollate with one another in some way or another. It's really brilliant! Now... I really love how this episode touches on the Cinderella story, yet doesn't redo the same story we've known our whole lives from the Disney movie, other movies, and the classic fairytale, as much as I absolutely love Cinderella and always have since I was a little girl. I even had a Cinderella birthday cake, and my Mom made me a jewelry box with Cinderella and the fairytale's characters painted on it that I still have a love to this day. We all know this story, and yet Once Upon a Time takes it and does its own twists on it to add so much. I love it!! I am shocked that Rumple kills Cinderella's Fairy Godmother so suddenly! I couldn't believe it the first time I ever watched this episode back when it first aired. You just don't expect it to happen at all. But it's brilliant! Tragic, because I love the Fairy Godmother as a character in the Disney movie, but brilliant! Now... One of my favorite lines from this episode is in the beginning from Rumplestiltskin as he's talking to Cinderella after killing her Fairy Godmother. as Rumple states, "Every story needs a memorable detail." I like it because it's true that in any Cinderella story, her glass slippers stand out and are pivotal to her story. Her glass slippers help guide the Prince to finding his True Love again after she flees from the ball. And they wouldn't be so memorable if her slippers were made out of leather or anything common like any other pair of slippers. :) And the storyline of Cinderella losing one of her shoes on the stairs is the inspiration for the moment in the end when Henry runs upstairs to his room to get inside before Regina catches him having left to be with Emma for the day, and loses his shoe on the stairs, which is another great detail within this episode I really love too. I also absolutely love Emma's fierceness and her power she delivers with her lines all throughout this entire episode, and the emotion she shows when she's angry, sad, or afraid as well. I love her fierce moment when she meets Cinderella, or her cursed counterpart Ashley Boyd for the first time and encourages her to live the life she wants and to fight back against those who are trying to run her life for her. Emma gives Ashley her life back and because she finds her strength, Ashley breaks into Gold's shop to steal back the contract she believes she made with Gold, because of the real deal still intact from their real lives back within the Enchanted Forest. I love how Cinderella's contract with Rumplestiltskin is carried over into the real world, causing Ashley to have a deal in place with Mr. Gold to give up her first born child thanks to Sean's, or Prince Thomas' father's help in orchestrating the said deal. In regards to Prince Thomas and his name... In the original fairytale and Disney movie, Cinderella's prince is known only as Prince Charming once again. The same goes for Snow White's Prince in the original fairytale and Disney movie for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs too. This is why both princes here in Once Upon a Time are given their own names aside from simply Prince Charming, and why Charming becomes merely a term of endearment for Prince James, given that he is the original fairytale Prince Charming. And I absolutely love this!! Now... Because of the contract still being in place, after Thomas disappears within the Enchanted Forest upon Cinderella tricking Rumple by entrapping him, Sean's cursed memories have manipulated him into believing he doesn't have the courage to stand up to his father and Mr. Gold so he could be there for his wife and child, or his girlfriend and child such as they are in Storybrooke. This all is another brilliant addition to Cinderella's story, and I absolutely love it. :) Also... Rumplestiltskin makes a point to Cinderella as he warns her that until her baby is his, whether it be in this world or in the next, she won't ever see Thomas again, which is why he then suddenly vanishes without a trace. The show sadly never explains where Thomas disappears to, but I've no doubt he becomes a prisoner somewhere, where he's never found. And then... Shortly after Emma agrees to the deal with Gold, Sean only then comes to the hospital to step up as the baby's father upon him having found the courage to at last stand up to his father and be the man who has always loved Ashley in spite of the curse. Thanks to Emma's help and encouragement. Because Ashley's deal with Gold is now null and void, Thomas, or now Sean here in Storybrooke, is free to be with Ashley again. He wouldn't have been had Emma refused to make a deal with Gold. And I really love this too. :) As for the second deal Cinderella makes with Rumplestiltskin so she and the other heroes can imprison the imp as Thomas calls the villain... From Rumple's words, it's clear that he senses that she is trying to trick him and senses making this deal will imprison him, yet he still signs her contract anyways. Rumplestiltskin always has a reason for doing everything he does and a reason for every deal he makes. It's very rare for him to be tricked into doing something, if ever. That's a part of what makes his character so brilliant. So, he definitely signed the new contract with Ella and allowed himself to be imprisoned for a reason. Now... I love seeing Prince Charming and Snow White at the ball celebrating Cinderella's wedding to Prince Thomas. I love when all of the characters from the different fairytales interact with one another and seeing them come together. And the costumes in this scene in particular, are amazing. Especially Snow White's beautiful lavender gown. Purple is my favorite color too!! As all of the costumes for each character are in every episode!! Especially for Regina when she's playing the Evil Queen in the Enchanted Forest storylines. Absolutely gorgeous!! :) Later, we learn how it is Rumplestiltskin comes to be imprisoned like we see of him in the first two episodes within the Enchanted Forest storylines. It is great to see how this came about, and that Charming and Grumpy, as well as the other dwarfs and the Blue Fairy are all a part of making the trap for him. And lastly... In the end, Emma agrees to make an open ended deal with Mr. Gold in order to help Ashley so that she can be free from her contract with him and keep her baby, which also allows for Sean to come back into her life upon him finally standing up for himself so he can be with Ashley again, because her contract is then voided. I love this moment between Emma and Gold because they're both so confident in facing one another and Emma is fearless. It's scary that she had to agree to do an unknown favor for Gold later on, but Emma will face it head on and do whatever needs to be done. She's incredible, and I love her! :) Now... You haven't yet met my favorite character. However, as far as my favorite characters shown in the first four episodes you've seen so far go... Among the major cast, my favorite is Emma. She is just really incredible and powerful, more so than she realizes! And I also love Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, Charming/David, and Snow White/Mary Margaret, who are also my favorites. I also really love Regina/the Evil Queen too of course. And among the characters within the more minor cast, my favorite characters so far are Archie/Jiminy Cricket, Ruby, Leroy/Grumpy, Granny, and Sheriff Graham. Archie being among one of my favorites for just who he is. Thank you so much once again, Jay!!! I am really enjoying your reactions for Once Upon a Time so far, my friend. This show is very near and dear to my heart, so I'm having so much fun re-watching it with you again. Until next time... I can't wait!! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Oh, and yes... Absolutely pay close attention to all of the main title cards at the beginning of every episode. They're always different, and they always give us a clue into episode! I love it! :) Heidi