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Hello everyone.

Today I am going to talk a little bit about my future, what I want from my personal hobby as a Giantess artist and what this involves.

First of all, let's begin with the most obvious thing that I have already said: hobby. That's what this is for me. I gain some money from it, for sure, but not enough really to live for it. I still have to go to work every single morning and when I come home in the evening I am pretty much destroyed. All that we're earning from our hobbies, me and Lilith, is reused on it, to increase our libraries and add more and more content as it gets released on render stores... Plus upgrading our machines. We are investing on it, basically, hoping to reach higher levels one day.

All of this is said because of a purpose: my stress levels.

From sometime I am suffering of depression from my real life job. Just because I look forward at my future and I see that I don't want to be forever stuck inside of a factory, but as well I have no other choices. Therefore, my productivity is not been as good as before, I am no more in the mood to do certain things and I do only what I wish to do. And that's what it should be, I realized...

This is a HOBBY, not a JOB. If it will ever become the second option, then it's a different story but for now... I need to do only what I wish to do and enjoy it.

All of this to say the following:

1) Sanctuary is being cancelled again

The reason is because it's tedious for me to start it all over again. The story is long, EXTREMELY LONG, and with so many projects going on at the moment I don't feel at all like restarting it. I have canceled it once for a reason, it was stupid of me to try and think of possibly doing it again. Sorry if I broke some hopes here. I MAY or may not do single picture stories (in the style of Goddess of Hell and the Killer and the Nun) involving some random events with the setting, if I feel up for it, but that's not even sure.

2) I will never EVER return to make games

This was said sometime ago, but I thought that perhaps, if I had reached a certain amount in my Patreon, perhaps I would have restarted. No. I have changed my mind. No more games for me in the future, not now, nor ever. Not for free, nor payed. Just no. If you were in my Patreon, hoping to get more if I had reached the 1000$ goal, please feel free to remove your pledge, because, as a matter of fact, from now on that goal is no more valid and will be soon changed into something else.

I hope that you all will understand what I mean with this.

I thank you all for being loyal to me, for sticking with me on Patreon, for doing all you have done by buying my products... And if you are enjoying what I am doing so far, please keep sticking with me.
But if these news above are too much and you are feeling betrayed or disappointed... It will be hard for me and very sad to see us part ways, but I will understand.




Alita Davis

Well your still stuck with me. I will be a patron of yours as long as I am able to support you with out hindering my family. I love your work every time I see something new and I will continue to support you, to see the art for yhe love and care you put into it. Don't stress it and keep doing what you do from your heart because those will always be the best art that you make. Keep working at your pace dont rush art, dont rush the creation. We will be here to see the new inspirations that you show us. Take us into the worlds of your creativity when you are able and we will always have your back.


I was kinda afraid of this happening when I saw all this new different projects at the same time.