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Hello there fellas, Lucifer writing.

So, I am quite sorry about the lack of content lately, as you may know (if you follow my Deviantart page as well), me and Lilith went on a holiday and we had some busy days, building new furniture and returning things to "normal".

You can expect, however, quite a lot of stuff to come up very soon:

- BfG Episode 3 - Part 1 

It's done, Lilith is right now reviewing it and it will come up in the next few days.

- Giantess SPA 4

Almost completed, I only have to write one more page and then it will go through review as well. You can expect it very soon too!

- Sylvia and Corey Quickie

A new quickie is in the making, should be finished soon enough and it will be a "bridge" in between the original Sylvia and Corey and Giantess SPA. Basically, it depicts the end of the Dom-Sub relationship between the two, before she left and went with Morgana. It's going to be mini-Giantess (considering that Sylvia is naturally quite tall and Corey is small).

- Loki

We had a bit of problems continuing it, but it's about to go on! I just need to adjust a few things here and there and we're good to go!





I love the story of the quikie! ;) It's very important to better understand the change of her ways on GSP3 and next... PS. No news about Astrid...did you forget it or else? :O


No news about Astrid because the release is still pretty far away. With the holiday and everything i had to stop rendering. Gonna resume as soon as I go back to work, which is Monday.