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Is it ready? No. Do we have details on pricing, or... when it's coming out? Also no.

But what we do have are some pictures from the prototype! Like the keychains, development of this has been done through PawPrintPress. Additional photos/angles are in the uploads attached to this post.

Those of the Diamond Tier and Platinum Tier have seen this already on the Discord server, but here's iteration 1. Notably I think the colors are off and he obviously doesn't have his clothes, but here's where he's sitting. (Literally) He's about 30cm tall, and the intention is to have him cross compatible with the other things like him also offered by PawPrintPress. It's also worth noting that the additional details, like eyes and fur and paws, will be embroidered on rather than be separate pieces that are glued on as showed in the photos.

Shy of the color of his fur, I'm pretty pleased with how the design came out. When I envisioned him way back in the early days of the project as a treat to myself, it was pretty close to this. He'll eventually have his orange hoodie and pants, but that's a job for when his base has been finalized. 

Now the question has been raised regarding additional plushies after Dave. Short answer is that it's unlikely depending on the associated cost and turnaround time. A fairly significant cry out for them would need to happen if people wanted anything more beyond Dave as far as Password plushies. Once the Steam build rolls out then potentially it's something to reconsider if the launch goes well.
