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What's in this update?

- Day 16: Tyson (Path A, Path B)

Okay! First update of 2021 and honestly I'm... a little disappointed. For those that were aware of what happened over Christmas, you know why. For those that don't... well, essentially I had to hand-write the update in a notebook given I functionally had dial-up internet and spend what time I had between when I got back and now to transcribe it into something playable. It plays, it reads alright, and there will possibly be errors I need to fix but nothing game breaking. Hopefully.

There's also something else I'm trying. Hopefully, I've gotten rid of all the red words in the game. I say hopefully but I worry I've missed one somewhere that the search function didn't find. But the thing I'm trying is that when you hit a bad end, rather than boot you back to the main menu it'll prompt you instead so you don't necessarily have to save at the vault every time. We'll see how it goes and if people like it or not.

PC Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgi8dyl6can5g4p/PASSWORD-a0.29.1-pc.zip?dl=0

MAC Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/td4mus94sqt16al/PASSWORD-a0.29.1-mac.zip?dl=0

LINUX Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ydp4cawo8iscjze/PASSWORD-a0.29.1-linux.tar.bz2?dl=0

Mobile build courtesy of Vanzohollen!
MOBILE Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3zqv30w89ibgz63/password.demo.patron-292-universal-release.apk?dl=0





Great demo!