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What's in this update?

- Day 16: Dean (Path A, Path B)
- Day 16: Sal (Path A, Path B)
- Day 16: Roswell (Path A, Path B)
- Day 16: Orlando (Path A, Path B)
- Day 16: Hoss (Path A, Path B)

Second update of the year and while I was writing basically right up until the night before (which was entirely my fault given various fun distractions) we're all done for Day 16 now at least.

The endcaps of both paths should be the same, so if you're looking for strictly the new content you should just focus on the character specific stuff. Only a few lines of tweaked dialogue here and there but it's all basically the same.

What's missing in this build?

There were a few other things I wanted to tweak in early days and I just didn't get a chance to. That's a priority for next build if I don't do it the night before this goes live and I just square it away for a0.31. Grand scheme of things it's not going to effect the narrative but it might make some earlier things read better.

Plan for next build!

Next build will be all of Day 17 (Path A/B) and a big maybe on Day 14 (Path C/D). But with that said, the next build will come two months after this one, sometime in April. It's long overdue that I actually take a break, but I also want to have a solid push at getting assets done, some of which I'll need to have prepared for Day 17 anyway. We know how I work though, so there might still be something next month but don't hold me to it. Do absolutely hold me to streaming drawing things on Discord though. 

EDIT: Fixed a couple typos and flags that caused error screens. Should be a bit more stable now.

PC Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1sf97jsz7lq77v/PASSWORD-a0.30.2-pc.zip?dl=0

MAC Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w7axvdj9foxfj6p/PASSWORD-a0.30.2-mac.zip?dl=0

LINUX Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4225ss9wuggy2vb/PASSWORD-a0.30.2-linux.tar.bz2?dl=0

Mobile Build courtesy of Vanzohollen!
MOBILE Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r6kau5d39t5polf/password.demo.patron-300-universal-release.apk?dl=0



Deans talk in the basement is odd in how he turns into roswell mid way through


I'll have a patched version up soon. It was just a typo'd text flag I missed.