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What's in this update? 

- Dean (Day 11)
- Orlando (Day 11)
- Sal (Day 11)

Finally the second half of Day 11! Now we'll get to see what the other three were up to given we saw what the first group did. Sadly, if you've played last month's build there's no new surprises as far as the end of the day, but getting there could get you some potentially new, juicy information. If you didn't play last month's build, the day can end one of three ways so have fun! You should have a solid idea of how Day 12 might open up depending on your experiences through this day, so look forward to next month's build. 

What's missing in this build? 

Honestly not a whole lot. Everything's squared away as far as route updates this time, including a few new tracks, but the functionality might not be entirely there yet. A lot of the time has been spent churning out the new sprites and once I have a couple more done I'll be throwing them up here officially as opposed to just sharing them on the Patreon. 

Grizz's Shoutout Corner! 

Bearcakes did a deep dive with the typo checks this month including a bunch of stuff from earlier builds so big props to him! 

Plan for next build! 

Day 12. Straight up, all of Day 12 is the plan at the very least on the "good" timeline. Ideally I'd do both but that might be a little trickier all things considered but we'll see how we go. While it's not exactly feasible to have implemented by next build, I'd like to have the UI done, and I'll be tapping in Eddio (which if you haven't checked out Killigan's Treasure yet, do so) for some help keeping me on-task. Again, that's the plan anyway.

PC Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oj0yryk4e421yot/PASSWORD-a0.23-pc.zip?dl=0

MAC Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1o52ugod05dfv03/PASSWORD-a0.23-mac.zip?dl=0

LINUX Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3llokq9lm94pofh/PASSWORD-a0.23-linux.tar.bz2?dl=0

EDIT: Vanzo put together a revised mobile build after some people noticed some issued with the music room formatting on smaller devices. Plus included is the hotfix to amend an issue on the bad timeline.
MOBILE Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/msljmy8yzmd7uoq/password.demo.patron-231-universal-release.apk?dl=0



I ran into something where we talk to Oswin on Sal's route in the foyer. It didn't crash or show the ren'py error screen, but just in game says "DEBUG: Report to Grizz" as Oswin left. So... reporting.


Yeah, it was a strange label that I just... didn't check for correctly. I've reuploaded the files with a hotfix.


I've been wondering why there isn't a title screen for Dean or Tyson...will there be one?


Eventually. Issue as it stands right now is that given I'll be updating the resolution to 1080p I need to redraw all the existing ones as is. So doing Tyson and Dean's now just means extra work down the line.