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For those on the server, you've seen this as it's been coming along and been tweaked with your feedback and suggestions. Now that I've got most of the expressions I wanted to showcase I figured I'd throw it on here too.

So immediately you're going to note that Hoss looks a little different. The main thing that stuck out for me as far as what the feedback said was that he had a solid case of 'murder eyes', which I needed to tone down. The personal gripe with the sprite was that (aside from no legs/feet) was that a lot of his smiles were too same-y and awkward. Mixing it up lets me throw some suitably appropriate anime faces on him which informed some of the expressions here. (Again, those on the server saw me mucking around with this in real time, so if that interests you, consider hopping on over.)

Much like Sal and Tyson, this is the direction I wanna go, but it's hardly final just yet. I'm liking where this is going. Feedback always is appreciated and encouraged!




Awesome job!


I feel like Hoss is missing some more hair around his face. In the current sprite he has a bit of a beard, some hair under his chin. I feel like giving him a full mane like that would look really good and give him more personality as a lion, although it might age him a bit, but I think it's worth trying!


He is looking great, wow, much better than before. Now he looks according to his age.


He looks lovely! I love that now he doesn’t have those creepy looking eyes.


I needed help from a good online friend with the 3rd password, in Ty's route, in all honesty. I read your hints wrong Grizz, but it's my fault. I guess I was overly confident too, but well it was all worth it in the end and I am sure there are many more passwords to come anyway. If it comes to good stories solving riddles is testing my patience badly.. ;/ I really like how much more mythical and mysterious the story became on day 8. It reminds me of a visual novel-like game, with the name Wayhaven, I found on the PlayStore and played recently. (It's apparantly about supernatural beings and how they live on earth, basically, that's not the story though) I had a theory for what was going on, but now that I know it can't be it I thought out a new one or rather several new ones. What I admire most about Password is how it all happens in one place, for now at least. That again reminds me of the boardgame Cluedo. (A murder mystery game) In other VN's there are always new places to uncover/discover. Opposite to Password which I find awsome, that's where I was getting at. Password is unique, special in a way. I'm sure the whole story won't be happening in and outside “the mansion“ only, but I'm perfectly okay with it. The existence of a “mad scientist“ opens up alot more options and a story like this is just so appealing, thrilling and engaging, especially with all the different kinds of presented characters. (Ty you will be my number 1 from now on and ever!) Roswell is the only real dick in the group, but what if he has just a very good long-term memory? There's just so much that can happen any minute and I don't want to wait for it! 😊 The creativity which goes into books, VN's, comics too, movies, series, songs, youtube videos even is sometimes, one could say, far beyond comprehension, even though I like to think of myself as being creative. And yes Password is a mastery of good writing. The word choices, in the conversations, are mostly simple yet realistic and it doesn't feel forced at all. Especially if you consider what was/is at stake. (Perry Rhodan is far greater than any science fiction story (StarWars&StarTrek, ... included) for example and what went into it is just crazy to think about really) Q: Are the new sprites going to be in a future build all together or “one by one“? This is not supposed to be an ad, just a recommendation. So, I highly recommend you the amazing story Wayhaven and the other work from the same creators Werewolves. There's no pictures, but other things that will have you hooked in an instant, promised. If comments like this bother you, Grizz, I won't keep going with them. I was just positively surprised by Wayhaven (And Werewolves for that matter) that I wanted to share it. I hope this short review or praise, whatever you wanna call it, was somewhat meaningful. I am trying my best to write good English here, after all... :P Sorry if I went of track a few times, as Oz would say. It just... made me thinking. And if I look like a dork, with having written this, so be it then. I don't care what others think about me, because I know who I am.