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EDIT: Due to reported save incompatibility issues between versions, it's recommended to start a clean save to avoid issues.

What's in this update?

- Day 6 (Sal & Hoss)
- Day 7 (Sal - Partial)
- Gallery 

Gallery at the moment is... there, but far from finished; but you can view any CG that you've seen in-game in it and they're sorted by character. Sadly no title screens there yet but it's a start.

- Minor spelling correction

Karasu between last build and this has been awesome at picking up the errors; most of which... should be fixed? As always I've probably missed a couple.

- Sound tweaks

There were a couple tracks that were just obnoxiously loud. I'd tuned them down a little bit they still might need some adjusting.


Orlando's route, and it pains me that he couldn't be in this one as well. Along with a couple more CGs that I'd like to go back and add in, the rework of Day 1 should be in the next build; tweaked to make name-entry a little more organic and let you see Dave before naming him.


To everyone that pushed me to finally get Twitter sorted. Handle is @passwordvn if you wish to follow that for updates instead of checking in on Patreon. 

Orikson for poking around for info on how to best handle itch.io as an additional platform for Password; so expect more people to be coming in from there potentially. I'll be trying to have it up and running by the end of the weekend. Thanks for doing that for me!

Bodie, for playtesting this last build and now has to wait longer for new content because of it. Sorry, buddy!


So given we only have one route left in this round there'll be no poll as to whose update comes next. There will however be one for something else to come once I've figured out some details so be excited for that.
Content-wise, outside of Orlando things I want to have a few more CGs in, time allowing. Maybe lock down some better music; and get a bit closer in finding a background artist or at least an option there. I was approached by someone interested to do the music though, so we'll see what becomes of that.

PC BUILD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/myr8nz4qlbqwnh8/PASSWORD-a0.10-pc.zip?dl=0

MAC BUILD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eor51uhvastou0n/PASSWORD-a0.10-mac.zip?dl=0




The text in the link is right, but the actual links, when clicked, point to 0.09 version.


That's... odd. Copying the hyperlink into your address bar works apparently, but I've updated the links to they should work now. No idea what's causing that issue.