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Hoo boy it's been a busy month so far. A few notes on how things are going though:
- See the above? That's one of the CGs from the demo, except prettier and redone; plan is to make sure all of them come up to this level of quality eventually. It'll just take time. Those who have access to the latest build have already seen the CGs thus far.
- Dean's update is coming and it's ready to publish. Been checked over for bugs and hopefully with a code rework that BattlecruiserOperational did for me, so moving forward we shouldn't need to worry about old saves getting broken due to new variables and such being introduced.
- Hoss's Route, planned to be the second half of the next update may not happen. Instead, what we've got so far is the skeleton structure of it, but replacing it will be, hopefully, sound. There were complaints about the experience being too quiet and it was something I've been needlessly putting off. All goes well, I can still push out Hoss's route as well, but at this stage it'll be lumped into the update after with a second character.

We're still on-track to have the update out by the 15th though, unless something catastrophic happens. Discord is where all the magic is happening, so if you want to come see this sorta stuff as it gets worked on, swing on by.



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