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I'm torn on this. I'm personally a fan when I'm playing much bigger games, but part of them almost feels off in the visual novels I've played. My thoughts were keeping tabs of what endings you've seen and then maybe use them as triggers to check for alternate endings or something?

I plan on having the art available eventually, in-game in a gallery but if I'm adding menu features I figured it'd be worthy to maybe consider this too?

What do you guys think? Do we want achievements?



If you gotta mechanic that allows you to go back and type in a Password once you've learned it for one reason or another, then you can have that be your achievement system. Or at least be tied into it somehow. Like if you do something that's a bit of a secret or complete a hard route or whatever would warrant an achievement, an extra added layer of earning that achievement would be going back and typing in a Password that you would get from doing that thing. Obviously people may cheat and put in the password without doing those things, but if that's a concern you can just determine whether or not they actually did that thing like how you would implement the achievement normally, but then only actually give them the achievement once they type in the password that corresponds to that action. I... hope that makes sense and I'm not just being dumb. TL;DR: Have achievements like you normally would but hold off on giving them the achievement until after they type in the password that corresponds to that achievement, reinforcing your central game mechanic.


Agreed. In regards to facilitating putting in passwords and junk, would it be worth considering laying the foundations for a means to input them while on the title screen for other uses or even their intended use? Otherwise, achievements would be absolutely at key moments that the passwords would effect. The moment a character cheats death, or a killer is revealed, or something akin to that to at least allow space for (minor spoilers) events seeded behind multiple passwords or seeded events behind passwords to find other more useful ones.