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  • Dean Rewrite (Part 5)

Got Dean updated to the end of 13AB, so any scene with him involved or vaguely mentioned has been adjusted to be more in-line with his new characterization. For those that remember what section of the story this is, it's going to be a bit rough surgically adapting his new style while it's so Dave focused but things are progressing well enough while TCM stuff happens.

Speaking of, I'll make a post either here or on the Discord pertaining to the future of TCM following recent developments regarding payment processors. But as things stand, over the next week I'm going to be prioritizing finishing what art assets I need done to push out a proof of concept. As early as next week I'll try and find a place to put it so people can try stuff out; we can worry about the first proper build afterwards.

No sprites to show this month. Things came up on Ghost's end that was a higher priority. Sorry folks!

Plushie production is progressing again, I don't have times on anything yet, but I've seen developments.

That's pretty much it! I'll try and find good opportunities to stream art development stuff in the server for TCM for those that are interested, but don't expect too much. It'll mostly be sprites/placeholder backgrounds.

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