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I was thinking about increasing reward chances;

So instead of the picture containing 1 supporter character, you can form a pair and I can draw both together in one illustration counting as a single reward, how does that sound>?

hope you will understand this lmao.



I am a little confused. Does that mean suggest a pairing between other supporters characters?


same here, the wording is a bit confusing as to what kakhao wants to try


Okay I’m going to fix this please wait a minutes 💦💦


You mean 2 patreon supporters of you can be in one reward?


That's what im still confused about. Id love to submit something for me and a friend of mine but want to know if they need to be subscribed to them first before we submit our characters


I thing only supporters, it make sense the rewards are for supporters like us


I like the new idea KaKhao you can reward your two supporters in one reward together


Yesssssss This is all I need to tell you and everyone 🥹🙏


We are on the same wavelength Bro 🤜


Ok, got it. I understand fully now haha. Well i dont know anyone personally who is following you but if anyone here wants to have some fun with a green Zoroark (Dom or sub), im open to suggestions for pairings! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_Cr2zU7SJauvTNYyxhd4dYcVUvcTycMH?usp=sharing


Would like to see him https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47604530/ being dominated by a lady or i he as a Top only on male. And if no one is interested, would like to see him with Hyena lady from series Lion X Hyena


I like this idea, I am fine with being paired with anyone as long I am the one being fucked, I hope that is ok with you. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/39746434/

James Corck

I'm down with this idea, sure! I'd happily pair my Birb with anyone else.


Sounds good.


Maybe make it so there is a sub/bottom and a dom/top slot each time, so the mix of audience can choose which they want for their char etc


I think you might run into problems with consent depending on the characters picked. Maybe do a YCH and pick two patrons for that?


That's a good concept for better overview


Ah intresting idea, thae ych approach it def a good alternative.