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πŸ“¦ https://mega.nz/folder/H2gmyCZK

πŸ”‘ 1tsmmN6Ng7rjQfMtOwGCJQ


Lately, I feel like I've been in the same place for a while, probably too long.

I did not go forward or step back as well; I'm just standing right here.


I need more freshness, more excitement, and more emotion for my stuff.

So, I'll tackle an animation, but just a loop.


My next plan is

1: Animation at least 1-2 loops per month

2: 2 patron rewards per month ( We will talk about this later about rewards problems. )

3: There is no vote or poll. With every character or poll, we will talk on our Discord server. 

(If I'm craving them, I'll draw.)

4: Probably more male/male content.

5: I still draw a comic but rarely.


I hope I can do it. I really hope so. I'm so distracted lately because of so many things I have to carry on my back. My apologies πŸ™

Thank you for supporting me.

Have a good day<3


Oh hey! Please tell me what you want to see more from me in the future!

I really need to improve myself in every way.




Is good that you're going for an animation. Adding variety Will help you feel refreshed


That's what I'm gonna go as well Animation is bonus thing I want to do. I know everyone loves Animation.

Crazy Sticks

Thank you for all your hard work! I agree with Loji too, try not to burn yourself out! I'm excited to see what you end up doing, especially with the animations! Your loops are always fantastic :D