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1. Which artwork or series is you fav that's i do so far ?

2. Idea for Penance. i still have no idea yet TBH.

3. Kinda want to do Pozemka VS Durin again. if you have idea or seg scene suggestion please tell me.



1. The Ansel artworks, I love seeing femboy x female 2. Penance x Vigil would be pretty good ngl 3. Maybe Pozemka x Durin(the operator) and Durin is a futa


Kal'tsit and doc love it For penance drunk from the Christmas party and doc walking home and gets invited in.


My favourite would be Genshin's Lisa. Her facial expression is just sublime.


1. I liked the Chen, Horn, Mudrock, and Texas series. 2. Drunk Penance would be great 3. I have no idea