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Hello ahibati! This is it! The finale of Arc 1 of Kamil's Route is finally here! This is a big update and easily the largest one we've ever made up 'til this point. Here is the changelog:

  • Over 18k words of new story content added to the game, with seven new CGs added.
  • Fixed a bug where neither Brendan's nor Kamil's hand would appear on the title screen if you made a save on their respective routes.
  • Removed the message you'd get in the tales section if you had SFW mode turned on as it is now fully functional in that section.
  • Changed two expressions Yousef and Victor made in Blood Sucking.
  • Fixed a typo in Blood Sucking.
  • Day 6 of Brendan's Route's opening now has music playing.
  • One of the songs that plays in Day 2 of Brendan's Route is different.
  • One of the songs that plays in Day 3 of Kamil's Route has been modified slightly.
  • One of the backgrounds has been modified. It now appears differently in Day 1 of Connor's Route, Day 1 of Owen's Route, and Day 6 of Brendan's Route.
  • Made the hair for Kamil in Day 5 more consistent.
  • Added titles to the beginning of each day. Changed the outfit Liam wears during Day 2 of Kamil's Route.
  • The two CGs in the side story for Yousef are now unlockable in the gallery.

We dedicated most of the update's development on working on Day 6, as such there wasn't a lot of work done on other content in the game. Next build will be different though and there should be some updates to previous days soon. Due to how large the day is, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few screws loose that we missed. That's okay, we'll fix them as time goes on. We really hope you guys enjoy this day and find it to be a satisfying conclusion to the beginning of Kamil's story as we put in a lot of time and dedication into it. 

A few announcements. For the next two months, I'll be taking a break. Me and Nemo have a lot going on in our personal lives so now would be a good time for us to not work on BYH for a while. I'll still be releasing QoL/bug fixing builds but they won't have any new story content.

Second, I'm going to announce whose route is going to be worked on next. Drum roll please.

It's Owen! Yup, our favorite shy orca is going to the focus of the game after my break is over. Some people apparently didn't realize he had a route but he does! Please look forward to it!

That's it from me. Have a good day and see you later!


0 byte folder on MEGA



Sweet. Can't wait. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to rest.

Hyou Vizer

Awesome precious chub Owen will be next 🙌 Very very very much deserved break for both you and Nemo indeed 🌟 Sorry to bother you but, the game doesnt continue to Day 6. I loaded a save from Day 5 and just goes to Rahmir same commentary from Day 5 like the january update 🤔 Edit: started from new playthrough, same issue. Then deleted game, and redownloaded it, loaded new playthrough save and now works to Day 6 yay. Idk what changed but it works now. Also how do you get the bottom row 2 CGs on gallery page 5? I have everything else

Hyou Vizer

Yeah I did that last update, those are the 2nd and 3rd ones top row page 5 gallery, no?


woooo awesome loved the update cant wait till you guys come back from your break to see what comes next keep up the great work but also question is there a guide for the game i can follow so that i can get the new CG


Glad you enjoyed the update. I'll be posting a guide for Blooming patrons sometime soon. Please be patient.


Great update. too pity we have to wait longer for Day 7. would be cool to use the mentioned poppers in the vn with Kamill then. ;)


Glad you enjoyed the update. Don't worry, Day 7 will come eventually, just be patient. As for that last part, you'll see.