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I'm here to announce that Day 5 will be split into two parts. What does that mean? It means that the next build will cover the first half of Day 5 while the build after that will cover the second half of Day 5. Why are we doing this? As Nemo was writing Day 5 he realized that the day would be well over 10 thousand words since so far the first half has around 8.5k words and it's not finished yet while the second half has 4k words and that's just one scene out of several. And neither are edited yet. Because of this, we both decided that Kamil's Day 5 is just too long to be included in just one update and even if we wanted to have the entirety of Day 5 in one update, there's simply no way Nemo would be able to finish and edit the script by the end of the month so we decided it's better we do this way. I hope you guys understand, the next build will be worth it regardless.

Have a good day and see you later!


Jesus Manzano

Quality over quantity. Good decision.

Max Freeman

Wow, that's a first then the usual length, that's fine by me