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Hello everyone! In preparation for Kamil's Arc 1 being developed, I'd like to have a Q & A with my audience. Ask anything you want in the comments, though keep in mind I'll have to avoid answers that will spoiler future parts of the story. Could be about development, characters, worldbuilding, or how my day is going. I'll answer them as soon as I can.



Have Kamil (and connor) stayed in the complex their whole lives?

Eppy NWS

How does Kamil feel about The Gaaaaaaaaaaaays? Hostile? "Enh, whatever"? Has some gay siblings/cousins he adores but gets a bit squirrelly if a Man-Thing hits on him? Okay with Gay and seeking a nice man to settle down with? Football Team's Pride Mascot on a quest to find a skimpier outfit than last year?