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A would have names like (Common Route, Brendan Route, etc) while B would have shortened versions of the official names of the arcs (Catch A Tiger..., etc.)



Since the save file names now include the name of the route character, I think no information is lost switching from option A to option B. In addition, option B reinforces the titles that are easy to miss when they are otherwise shown only briefly between story segments. So I favor option B.

Eppy NWS

Indeed. The chapter titles are clever and being reminded of them in this way would be delightful. If you want to be clever you can have some sort of icon or key to identify the route (like 'B' and 'K' and 'C' and 'V' and 'O' and 'L/W/PBDSM'... and decode them in the codex with an extra little like like "Route B" when describing Brendan in the cast)