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Hello everyone. I'm here to inform you that the script and art assets are not finished yet. While the art assets can be reasonably be finished before July, the script still needs to be edited and coded in and that could take a few days, so it seems unlikely that I'll be able to put out the build in time. Both me and Nemo were kinda fried and were busy with other stuff during the first half of the month so that's why we're sort of rushing to do our part. That's why I wanted to ask you guys what I should do.

Should I delay the next build by a week so we'd have more time to finish the build? Or should I just take a break off for July and you guys won't receive any payment billing for the month? Please vote because this is really important and I didn't really expect this to happen.



Usually I'd suggest you delay the build, there's no problem with waiting an extra week. However, that could mean an extra intense cycle next month, since you'll already be starting a week late. That can snowball out of control and really become an issue, in which case taking a break for a month sounds like the best strategy in the long term.

Jesus Manzano

Take a break. Your story will be better for it.


You've got a point. That was something I was worried about with that option. I also don't want to burn Nemo out. A month-long break seems to be a good way to slow things down.