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Hello everyone! So in a few months, I'll have been having my Patreon page up for a year now which is kinda exciting but also a bit nerve-wracking if that makes sense? Anyways, I've been thinking about the patron tiers for a bit and I've always been conflicted on Advanced and Blooming Tier benefits. Most of you guys are Basic tier and that's fine as most people are just interested in the early builds. However, I need incentives for people to become Advanced or Blooming Tier patrons as what would be the point of their existence?  Over the past few months, I've been playing around with the benefits of these two tiers. This year I've started making erotic art of various fictional characters and that seems to do fairly well. However, I've been a bit dissatisfied with providing these benefits to my lovely patrons. It's hard enough working on BYH, but I also have to work on these different things such as extra art or commentary and it's a bit stressful.  Managing the PSD files is a pain because I have to update the PSD files every time I changed anything in the files and I had to keep updating all of you Advanced and Blooming guys who had access to them. The monthly erotic artwork was also getting stale to work on because there are only so many times you can draw a guy getting fucked in the ass and I also ran out of ideas of which characters to draw which is why the polls might seem a bit random. The thing is I don't get much positive feedback on these extra Patreon benefits so it's a bit demotivating to work on them. Now here's where things get a bit interesting. So as you know, By Your Hands is in the Queer Games Bundle and it has some of those same patron benefits. Here are the download numbers from it:

As you can see here, the Photoshop files are popular while the Tappei art pack is less popular. This is a much smaller sample size from the bigger more available game so they aren't exactly the most reliable, but they do tell me something. There is an interest in all those Patreon extras that I was doubting people wanted. So I should continue making them. But I still want feedback. Here is what I'd like to do from July onwards:

  1. Remove the PSDs and just have the currently existing files available for sale on my Gumroad. I wouldn't update any of those files nor would I add any more from the game.
  2. Change how the art packs work. Instead of voting for a character to get pounded in the but, it would instead be voting on what direction an artwork I want to make. It would be like a poll I made two months ago in which I decided I was going to draw Ganondorf getting fucked in the ass and I asked people what position they wanted him to be in (I'm still going to work on that eventually). Other examples include "What kink should I include?" or "What slutty outfit should I have him wear?" Stuff like that. Also, I'm not going to delete them off my Patreon this time because I can't be asked to advertise a Gumroad.
  3. Make the ability to vote on the monthly art packs to be available to Advanced patrons as well. It was a little confusing that they had access to the art packs but not the polls deciding them.
  4. Add a guide for By Your Hands for Blooming patrons. It would be simple and tells you what you need to do to get certain scenes and/or branches.
  5. Give Blooming patrons access to all of the sketches I've made on my sketchbooks. It would take a while to get them all on Patreon but eventually, they'll all be in there.

I think people would like at least the last three and a half, but I'm not sure about the first one and a half. That's why I'd like your feedback. You can take the survey above this text. Please take it as this will impact my Patreon. After a week has passed I will take all the responses in mind and make an announcement on what changes to my Patreon I'll make. Then these changes will come into effect in July. I hope you take this survey and I wish you good well.

See you later and have a good day!


By Your Hands Patreon Survey


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