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Hello everyone! After taking a break I'm back and better than ever. I think. Anyways here's Build 0.6.0, it adds Day 5 to Brendan's Route. Here's the full list of changes:

  • Roughly 6.5k words of content have been added.
  • When Rex enters the frat house on the first day of Kamil's route, the music now transitions a lot more naturally.
  • Modified a line that happens near the end of Day 4 if you have encountered a certain scene variation from Brendan's Day 2.
  • Broke up a line from Brendan's Day 1 into two due to how it originally went offscreen.
  • Changed the background near the end of Brendan's Day 1 to save a little file space.
  • There's now a new CG in the game on both Days 1 and 2 of Brendan's route with its own set of expressions.
  • There are now twelve new custom-made songs in the game. Three of these songs are ringtones. Five of these songs were composed by Haoran. Note that I fucked up and forgot to edit in the last two songs into the build.
  • Brendan's sprites now indicate if he's having a boner or not. Previous scenes have retroactively been modified to accommodate this. Yes, you needed to know about this.
  • Very slightly modified a scene during Brendan's Day 2 near the end.
  • A few scenes have been modified to include some of Brendan's new expressions.
  • Kamil, Tucker, Liam, and Reggie now have new outfits for Day 1. Tucker and Reggie both have new outfits only in Kamil's Route. Wyatt meanwhile is still sobbing in the corner from having no update to his sprites.
  • Replaced the placeholder icon for the composer, Emma, with the new art he provided me.
  • Modified the lustful variation of the scene you have during Brendan's Day 2 to contain less blur and to make the transitions smoother.
  • A new image appears while Rex is in his room at the end of Day 1.
  • The common variety n*pon in Brendan's office background has now been replaced with a tiger plushie to avoid copyright issues.

Also, the Queer Games Bundle is now live! All the money spent on this bundle goes to all the queer game devs who participated in the bundle. Some of these devs include myself, Nemo, Keo (Dawn Chorus), Roddo (Nerus), Cobalt Studio (StrokkurAnamnesis), pastrygames (This Halloween? We're Exploring the Haunted Brothel!) and Bokedaidu (Where the Demon Lurks). There's also a special version of By Your Hands included in the bundle that contains the following:

  • The latest build of the game will be updated until the bundle ends. This means that currently it includes Day 5 for Brendan's Route and it will be updated to include Day 6 in July.
  • PSDs of the game's art.
  • An erotic art pack of Tappei Midoriya from Morenatsu.
  • Commentary on the game that has been previously only available to Blooming patrons.
  • A link to a Dropbox that includes WIP art for future builds that I will be updating until the bundle ends.
  • And finally, several sketches of Owen, Brendan, and Kamil that you can only see by buying this bundle.

You also get the full version of Capturin' The Booty that includes sex scenes when you buy the bundle. You can purchase it over here. If you have purchased the bundle, you can download all the stuff over here.  I highly encourage you to buy it as it helps so many developers out. Last year they raised over $200000. Let's try to surpass that number this year!

Anyways that's it from me. I hope you have a good day and see you later!


Patreon access for By Your Hands (Patreon Build)

Do you support Salman Eyes the Visual Novel, Barachoda Bloom on Patreon? Patrons can get access to this project by connecting with their Patreon account. A minimum pledge of $3.00 is required to get access to this VN.


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