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Hello everyone! Please pay attention to this. By Your Hands will become my new main focus from now on. Starting in February, it will receive new builds monthly instead of Barachoda Bloom. I explain this more in the devlog.

In other news, I have uploaded a new build of BB. No new content, but there's now a CG gallery and character profiles. I have also uploaded an archive of all the previous builds of BB and All in Love and War over here. If you're curious about the old builds, consider checking them out. I hope you guys have a great day and see you later!


Big News for By Your Hands!

Hello everyone! Happy New Year! New year comes new news! I'm here to announce some pretty big news for the future of both Barachoda Bloom and By Your Hands. So if you're a patron or you're considering becoming a patron, you better listen up. First, take this survey.


Max Freeman

I’m sad BB isn't your primary focus, but from a writing perspective, I can understand cause I have too many stories, and I pick randomly what to do next. I suppose BB needs a break