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Hey there everyone, welcome to the month of Valentines and love and chocolate and stuff!  Hope your all doing well!  Me?  I'm still without a computer, so things here are bit...clunky.  I have a tablet and wireless keyboard combo so I can still write, but posting is gonna have to wait.  Because of the delay in the upgrades, I'm gonna wave the deadline this month to give folks time to think of something.

So plans for this month are work on patron stuff (as per usual), gonna proofread and send out last month's exclusive as soon as I get the PC, maybe post a few coms I worked on to pay off for the RAM I ordered alongside the cooling fan.  I also started and nearly finished an original story with Samus Aran that I think I'll post here first and the in, I dunno, two weeks maybe post it everywhere else.  I have an idea for an exclusive story this month that's focused around a 50's retro scifi thing goin on that I even designed a whole ass character for!  Maybe I should throw in a Valentine's quickie too, we'll see I guess.

Anyway, hope your February is a good one!


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