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Hey there everyone!  Hope your all doing well, I am.  Lately been playing Cyberpunk 2077 and its expansion and its been really good (though not quite as good as watching Edgerunners LOL).  Shame this wasn't the game that it should've been on release, ha!  Not gonna lie though, the whole braindances and dollhouses thing, gimme me some fun ideas for stories so don't be surprise if some Cyberpunk springs up.  Only bad thing about it is its been cuttin' into my drawing practice!

So as for patron stories, there's still two more I need to do before I'm done, one much lengthier than the other!  After that I'll plan out the monthly story and start chippin' away at that, maybe throw in some quickies or work on commissions.  Dunno what exactly I have in mind for the monthly story, but I'd honestly like to do something with my OC's again,  maybe even pursue trying to do a book again?  Definitely something to shove into the we'll see drawer.  But yeah, doodling Sybil behind the scenes while trying to learn how to draw like cool peeps got me wanting to do more with her and everyone else I let gather dust for so long LOL!

Anyhoo, I sent out the stories I finished so far, will go back to them later to edit and stuff once everything's done!  Have a good one everyone!


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