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So, a couple days back I mentioned possible delays, and I think I'm in a good enough headspace to shed light on what's been going on behind the scenes.

The first thing that happened was one of our dogs, Hope, had a sudden decline in health and it was beginning to look like if she didn't pass on her own or get better, we'd have to put her to sleep.  Having already had one dog in my life be put to sleep, it hit me hard and coming to terms with it was incredibly difficult.  If that wasn't bad enough, Covid finally found us.  My mom got it first, however, being a nurse, she had her shots.  My pops didn't and shortly after my mom got it, my dad did too.  Fortunately, being the tough old bastard he is, all he got was a fever.  My mom was pretty sick for a nearly the whole week she took off from work, but she's back to a hundred percent!  I myself, having had the shots and one of the boosters, haven't shown any signs of contracting it (knock on wood).

Sadly, however, just a few days ago, Hope passed away.  Even writing this now I'm getting a little teary-eyed and not a day goes by that I stop and think about how there's just something missing around here.  We're having her cremated so we can take her to the mountains and have her buried by the cabin so that, in a way, she'll always be near and dear to us.

So with that being said, what's going to happen now.  Well, I'm not sure if I'll have everything done before the end of the month, but I'm digging up a story I had plans to finish at some point and a good chunk of its done.  Next month, I'd also like to start going through with plans to overhaul the Patreon, which means 15 and 25 tiers will be removed and $4 and $10 will be changed up a bit, with $4 being just access to all Patreon exclusive content and $10 will be the starting point for getting (small) stories.  

Thank you everyone for your support, it really, really means alot to me.


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