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Hello all, first off, I hope you've had a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!  I know I did with both friends and family and I have to thank all you wonderful folks who've supported me over the years.  You guys have my deepest of deepest gratitude! <3

Secondly, I mentioned awhile back when I overhauled my commissions that I would likely be doing the same with my Patreon and after giving it a lot of thought and still giving it thought, I think I know where I want to go with it.  Just know, its not set in stone just yet.   

Let me get the most painful part of the way first and I'm gonna be blunt.  I want to bump up my prices big time, where the almost reach the same price as my commissions, but with some extra wordy goodness.  At the moment, I'm thinking extra words over how much you'd get with a commission (ie the 20$ tier is going to next you a 1500 word story instead of just a 1000,  a 40$ tier is going to get you 2750 instead of 2000, 60$ = 3900 instead of just 3000, etc).  I'm thinking of retooling some of the tiers too to be a  $20, $40, and lastly a $60 tier as well as the cheaper tiers ($4 and $10) now having access to the Exclusive stuff before, such as the Patron Packs.   The higher price tiers will also include massive discounts for commissions too, matching their tier price (so 60$ off a commission if you're a 60$).  4$ and $10 tiers will stick around, but 4$ will simply be access to exclusive content and 10$ I'm thinking will be, you provide a quick prompt and I'll provide a story of varying length around 1,000 words depending on how good it is (Don't get your hopes up that I'll write you a 7k story or anything lol).  I might thrown on some extra stuff like polls and suggestions for stories to make those higher tiers (hopefully) worth more

Another change I have is the number of stories.  All these years since I've been running this Patreon, I've been in the mindset that patrons would want quantity over quality and I'mma be honest, I think my quality has suffered over the years because of that.   So I've been giving it some thought and I was thinking that maybe it would best if I went with Quality over Quantity.  Instead of writing 1-3 quick stories, I write you one, much larger, much higher quality story.  While taking the load off of like more or less15 stories a month, it'll give me the added benefit of giving me more time to focus on every story and making sure its the absolute best it can be before pushing it out the door.

So when will this change happen?  I'm not too sure yet.  I want feedback first before I jump on board with everything.  What I will do is this: I'll put up a post about it on here and message all of you that its gonna happen, then I'll close up shop for a month to give everyone time to change tiers while I update everything and then come back online next month hoping I didn't totally just make my Patreon into a ghost town! LOL

Anyway, this will most likely be the last time I make a massive overhaul to my patreon (Unless the change does too much damage and I gotta revert).  I haven't said this outside of my closest friend circles, but I have big plans for my life, finally know where I want to go y'know?  Unfortunately, these big plans require BIG MONEY and unless I get forced into having to get a job or something, I'm going to double down on everything writing until I got that BIG MONEY.  I hope you'll all continue to support me along the way and keep giving me fun stories to write for you in the months and years to come!


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