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Alrighty folks, it's time to throw those ideas you've been letting simmer over the past month!  Remember, I'm employing a first come, first serve method when it comes to short stories this month and for 100% clarity, I will be including a google doc link to a list of those slots that will include names, whether their stories are private or public,  and the exact time their message was sent in.  I'll also be stricter with what I can and can't do, so brace yourselves just in case.

And if you don't snag a spot this time, don't worry!  Those who snag a slot this month will be on a month cooldown before they can get their next short, so stay tune to the next month's to grab a spot!  Mini-Stories are exempt from the rule, so don't worry about those either!

The spots: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18GVVlpSMTfLCI3E14013cio5mZm-vEYBbA3JEzOnhZg/edit?usp=sharing

Again, thank you all so much for your support.  Every little bit is one step towards me making a living from writing for you fine folks! <3


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