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First off, Its that time again to start sending in your ideas/outlines for May stories!

Second, I'm still wanting feedback for what I'm going to do with exclusive stuff and for those who were apprehensive about voting without seeing what these packs would look, I have good news!  With this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AMiirhwAWjfJBiNZ9g_ZIQp5w_WBKoGFKRjXA9ntwDw/edit?usp=sharing you'll get a sneak peek at the first pack I plan on releasing (which you nice patrons will get for free for pledging $4 or more).  This is basically what I have planned for the Packs idea if you guys are interested.If you haven't voted yet, click the link below to check out the poll.


Please vote as soon as you can, as I'll be closing it up at the end of the month and your choice will determine what I do for you wonderful patrons next month.


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