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First, I'm touching up the Wolfpine story as I'm typing this so it'll be ready to go later today! If you want to read it now, all you gotta do is pledge 4 bucks (see below too). If you wanna wait, however, I'll be posting this two/three weeks from now. At nearly 14,000 words and nearly 40 pages, this has been an absolute MONSTER to write, but its been such a blast too, I hope you all enjoy it too!

Second, I went through with what I said I was gonna do and switched on the subscription payment model, so now when you pledge, you'll be charged when you do. I'll edit the welcome/thank you message that you get when you pledge so that it links to the drive folder with all the past exclusive that way folks don't have to wait. I'll keep things the way they are for now, taking prompts at the start of the month, but for late comers, I'll add your stories to the list as soon as I get a prompt/outline. Things might change later on down the line, we'll see.

Anyway, that's all for now, have a good one out there folks!


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