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Do what you should and come what may

Hey guys! Okay, the first news is that I have the best patrons of all. Seriously guys, I didn't expect such a significant moral support that you showed and I'm grateful to you all for that. This is a pretty tough time for everyone involved in this conflict and when you don't hide the fact that you're on the "bad guys side", you are not waiting for words of support and understanding. Some of my colleagues decided to publicly pretend to be Ukrainians and for me this is a disgusting act but every person has their own moral principles.

The next good news is that I'm working. To be honest, it's very hard. Creative work under stress is incredibly difficult and this is my first time (I hope it's the last one). But on the other hand - it helps to distract. Thus I once again convinced that this is my place. And this leads to the next topic - I'll keep doing it anyway. I'll devote the next month or two to moving to another country so my Patreon will be on pause. In other words - if you don't unsubscribe you won't need to pay at the beginning of the next month (or two). I think I'll have some free time for a few new animations during this period, which I'll post here "for free". And when I'm done with relocation, I'll immediately inform you about it and resume work in the usual mode. So, unfortunately for my haters and fortunately for those who love what I do - I don't stop working, but take a forced break. 

And finally - animations. You'll get a Climax for bar and a short scene after the Climax. The first vaginal stage for "Shy girl" sequence, standalone stage of fingering for double bed. Also I wanna to make one scene of a rough-passionate type for couch and of course group animation for "Party lovers" tier. I guess the update will be on the 27th-28th so don't miss it. 

Once again - huge thanks to all of you, you're the best!





It's horrible to follow the news these days. This war is claiming too many victims - on too many levels! Not only for the people of Ukraine but also for the people of Russia. I can only emphasize once again how sorry I am that you, your family and friends are also affected by this. Putin is a power-hungry man and this terrible war is being waged on the shoulders of the Russian and Ukrainian people. These people – of both peoples, are the ones who have to suffer! Is this man even aware of what he is doing to his own people? How much suffering and pain does it bring to all those people who get caught up in this senseless war? Has he ever thought about it at all? Personally, I can only say that I'm incredibly proud of you, that you made the decision not to lose hope in such a hard, dark time, and that you stand by what you do: namely, in my eyes, the best animations that ever exist! I can only say it again and again how incredibly talented you are! You are to me, and sorry to the other creators out there, the best man of them all! That you keep going and don't give up is a clear declaration of war on Putin and his disgusting war, for which he should just be ashamed!! Keep it up Grey, you're already a hero in my eyes! Take as much time as you need, the main thing is that you come back and hopefully you can work under normal conditions again. For my part, I will definitely continue to be your patron and continue to support you. I continue to hope that you, your family and friends are safe. And take good care of yourself during this difficult, dark time. Greetings and lots of hope from Germany PS: (I used google translator and I hope everything was translated correctly.)

Carsten Rogowski

I wish you every success and my prayers go out to the Ukrainian and Russian people. May the suffering and oppression end quickly.


I'm so glad to hear that you've decided to not let this fu situation kill your creativity or ambitions. Keep being proud of who you are and where you come from - because your leaders abominable actions have absolutely nothing to do with you civil people. I can only feel for you and will of course continue to support your work even if it will be paused for some time. I wish you well and hope that your move to another country will go as planed and that you'll find inspiration and some peace of mind soon enough. Take care of yourself and your loved ones <3


That's good news, Grey!!! I'm glad you're going to keep up this amazing work on the game! I hope that this current phase you are going through with this war will soon be just a very bad memory. Much success to you! I follow your loyal Patron! <3


thank you again so much for such kind words of support. It means a lot in general and in such times in particular. I'm really not going to stop because I love what I do and awesome people like you appreciate it and are waiting for something new and great from me so not one dictator will take it away. I saw my animation as some side of art and art is what makes people better, gives better feelings and leads to light even in the darkest times so I can't and won't give up. Thank you again for the amazing support!


thanks so much, Flossa. The government does not determine who we are, we do it ourselves, so I'll remain true to myself and my principles regardless of my place of residence. And of course I'll continue to make animations for you cuz I can't not do them - I love it and I love all of you as the most amazing community.


thanks so much Kimmiecah! Yes, I also hope that all this will remain a bad memory and will not be to interfere with my work. Because I love my work and I love all of you who appreciate it.


I'm so glad to hear about your decision to continue to work. Your resilience to work during such trying and difficult times is inspiring. Wishing you all the luck during your move, and I hope you and your loved ones find a sense of peace and some normalcy during these times! Stay safe xx

Heidi Wilde

I would be happy to continue being charged, if it helps you relocate. I'm glad you have found some solace in your work. It's disheartening to hear any of you guys getting hate. People should realize that none of this is in your control, nor does it sound that the main bulk of your citizenship is in favor of that man's actions. Please stay safe, kouhai <3

Aiko Chan

Good to read from you Grey! I was sad after the last post, beyond the fact that your work is impeccable and beautiful, I felt bad that you are going through all that. I hope you can move in safely, a lot of good energy for you, be strong! (sorry my english is not my native language ^^) And of course I will continue supporting you on patreon, it is my small contribution :) ♥ hugs and blessings!♥♥♥


I'm so glad you don't hide where you come from. I absolutely LOVE Russia, and the guy in charge does not represent the citizens. I hurt so much for both Russians and Ukrainians alike, both forced to leave their countries at this point. As heartbreaking as it may be though, I'm glad you're leaving to be somewhere safer. I wish you all the best and take good care of yourself. We'll all be here waiting for your return. ❤️


I’m from the USA and I personally don’t hold the Russian people responsible for what your government is doing. Anymore than I hope others don’t hold the American people responsible for our dementia riddled president…


kouhai?... Moiralyn lol? Well I know for sure that none of my familiar people or friends support this so this is encouraging. However, there are crazy patriots with brainwashed propaganda but people without critical thinking are everywhere. Thank you so much!


thanks a lot Domino. Yes, it's crazy when people's lives in two countries change completely for the worse in the shortest period. Thank you so much for your kind words of support, it means a lot!


about the presidents - our countries are similar in this. All the Americans I know are great guys and need to be crazy to identify the government and the people as one. Thank you for your comment Steven!


Hey, I'm new to all this wicked whims stuff... why does this post not have a link to it?