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Hey guys! So, a few spoilers about what I'm working on right now. This is a new sequence for the bar that I plan to make long and exciting. The first animation (teasing) is almost ready and it turned out exactly the way I wanted to make it - the girl is pretty drunk, which is why what is happening turns out to be funny, a bit awkward but also sexy. This opens up opportunities for various situations which is what I plan to do lol. The update will be at the end of the month so don't miss it. 

See you later guys, take care!




Heidi Wilde

Holy cow! I'm super excited to see, and use, this one. The detail is amazing as always. <3

Trixi Ray

Bar? Perfect !! I'm looking forward !!


well, seeing is good and using is even better lol. Thanks so much!


yup, one day all paths lead to a "Bar" lol. Hope you'll like it👌


I had to laugh and am really looking forward to those sexy-awkward moments! Very promising ;-)


really glad to hear it! And if this gif makes you laugh, I bet you'll laugh even more when see the full and sounded version lol


It's cute I hope the rest of sequences include passionate vaginal or anal and climix on the bar, I hope so 😶


Nice. something new. wish to see drunk walking with bottle , falling down on couch and half conscious sex animations in this drink and fun series of your


If I download a file here, does it also come with the free LL multiple person whoohoo?


Hey! This file has the same animations as in the LL version plus many others. But make sure there is only one animation file in your mods folder. If there's duplicates, some of the animations may not shown up in the game


Thank you! I love your animations (especially, coz there are also some really sweet and kind ones, I always recommend yours, when people ask about those sorts of animations)