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Hey guys! Some info about the future update - it will be at the end of the month. This way you'll get more animations at once than usual and I'll be able to organize my workflow better what affect the quality of the final result. So, what will be there: another remade stage of the Shy girl sequence, standalone Thighjob animation (what was logical after buttjob lol). Also, I'll make the 4 vaginal stage of "The Obsession" and...I haven't decided what exactly yet since there are a lot of options lol. 

See you at the end of the month guys, take care!



Cloudy Days

Looking forward to it. Love your shy series.


hi there, im rather new to mods and perhaps this is a silly question: when I download the folder and unzip it, they all have the same name. "ww_GreyNaya_animations" Would I need to change the name each time I download another so they're not the exact same or does each file contain all your updated animations from the past up until that point?


Thanks CD! I love working on Shy cuz she's a pretty funny and cute character at the same time, so it's always interesting


Hey Kushy! It's okay, literally every person using mods was once newbie to this so there can't be a silly questions. No, you don't need to rename the animation file. There should be only one animation file in your mods folder, if there are two or more of them, then part of the animation will not shown up in your game. The file from the last update contains all the animations plus the new ones, so in each new update you just remove the old pachage file and put a new one in the mods folder.


Seems very sexy, i love your decision to remade olds animations, quality everywhere :)


Thanks Masna! Yeah, my "old creepy shit" stuff look awful in front of new animations lol, so I have plans little by little redo all of this