Animations pack 05.12.20 (237 animations total) (Patreon)
Hey guys! So we're almost there - a creepy year is almost over and let's hope that the next one will be much better. It's cool to start a new month with something new so here you are: new animations for a double bed with using the Nintendo Switch console. Btw, this console will be useful in the future since I already have plans for a crossover of my animations 👌. In addition for the guys from the Patron tier there are two animations from the Party Lovers tier. Link to download Nintendo is here
Now some pre-holiday lyrics 🎅. Those guys who have been with me for a year may remember that last year I was like Santa the animator here lol and made animations by any request. I had thoughts of doing the same thing now but then I came up with a different opinion. By the end of the month I wanna to make some Christmas-themed animations to ensure that your Sims have the same sense of celebration as you do. Hope you like this idea. But regardless of this I'm always open to your suggestions so write about it in any case.
TEASING - The games people play M/F F/F
VAGINAL - The games people play_Prone bone M/F
CLIMAX - Counter MFF_Climax new for $4
TEASING - Lets dance all together MFF FFF MMM new for $4