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Hey guys, it’s been a while since I started working on making comics. It’s been up and down, but thanks to your support, I can keep doing this niche job. I’ve been thinking about this since the big break, and take more time to think it through. And yep, I think I’m going to be as real as I can be. Here’s what I want to say:

From now on, I will work at my own pace, and publish my work only when I feel like it. Maybe one chapter a month, two chapters a month, maybe three, who knows. but no more scheduled releases.

Of course, I’m not abandoning FS or anything. I’ll keep working on it like I always did. I just have to say this because your money is important. If you think it’s not worth it to support me, cause I’m too slow, too boring. Then please unsub and come back in a year, there should be plenty of new chapters by then. or just find a pirated website to read. I don’t mind.

I know this may be selfish of me, but I can’t go on like this any longer. I feel bad for keeping you guys waiting. Another week, another delayed works. 

The majority of my patreon has been really kind to me. I really treasure it. I’m really fortunate to have you guys here. I love you all very very much. I’ll try my best to keep improving.

Now for the good stuff, I’ve been working on drawing skills a lot recently, and enrolled in an art course. It’s going great so far. I’ll post variety of things, like my drawings, maybe I’ll even adding TSF element to it. I hope you guys will like it!

Haha, this is longer than I expected. And that’s it for me, Please do whatever you think is best for you. Sorry, and thanks a lot for reading.



I continue to look forward to where you go next. Do what you think is best for yourself first and foremost


I don't think many expects creators to stick to a schedule. I don't. I support Akbur and his releases are far apart. That said some periodic update of progress is good, but we don't think your work has to come out on every Tuesday or be a certain length. It might be good to publish one long chapter that moves to a break, then a short one to another break. But the time needed for either is up to you. I enjoy your comic and speculating where it is heading. Keep working at your own pace.


Fair. Things come and go. Time for other, new, things :)


Will definitely continue to support! While I am always eager for an update, I am never disappointed in your output, whether "on time" or "behind schedule". Honestly I prefer when artists recognize when to scale things back for their own well being. Many a time have I seen an artist/content creator I enjoyed unfortunately suffer severe burn out trying to strictly adhere to a schedule. Many felt it was best for them to permanently close their page in the end, everyone has different circumstances of course, other things could've been at play, but it was clear that "the schedule" was always a constant unhelpful pressure for them. Its not much, but I'm more than happy to continue supporting. I enjoy your story telling and again, always looking forward to the next update. I'd prefer a slowed schedule to a stressed and burnt out closed page. <3


Content creation is hard. Art is hard. The fact that you've been able to go this long, maintaining both a high level of quality AND a pretty regular schedule is a testament to your dedication, craft, and integrity. I do not fault you at ALL for wanting to go a little easier on yourself - by all means, please do!!! I will continue to support regardless, as I'm sure so many others of us here will. 💜


Making quality and personal well being as your priorities is a wise choice. You have my support in continuing this in whatever way works best for you.


It's Alright. Feel free and make it as you want


Good on you to set some boundaries! I've been burned out myself and know that setting boundaries can be very hard to do. I'm still a happy patron and will gladly wait a bit longer. Not just for your wellbeing, though that is very important to me too! But also for the selfish reasons that I don't want to see you burn out completely on this project :p. so don't think it's selfish to take your time. It's for our good also :) Good luck with the course! It sounds really fun


I love your story, that said you are using a subscription model for income and with no schedule, changing go a "Maybe one update, maybe two, but who knows when." I dont feel is appropriate. If you charged a small fee per upload I could understand. Your change is not selfish and you do ehat you need to in order to keep your stress down. Something you do for fun shouldn't feel like work. That said I am unsubbing, but I wish you the best, I just feel my money is best spent on consistency (or at least close to it)


I support you. You should always be sensible and honest with yourself - always <3


Thank you for your sincerity, good decision 😘😘


When you are stuck in a project for so long this is something it could be happening, even if you love your job... or hobby, passion and so on so much... My suggestion is to finish asap FS or pause that project and focusing on something else. I mean FS is your masterpiece for sure and I love it... I guess everyone of your patreon would agree it is your best jwork But if this is the effect this work is having on you, maybe you should think about something else


Take care of yourself first and foremost Moonlly. I’ve noticed that several of us KKS creators (me included) have been succumbing to varying degrees of burnout over the course of the past year, it has been a weird time for us. It must come with the territory. A new form of creative expression shall likely help you out and I’m looking forwards to whatever art you produce. I’m certainly not going anywhere. ;)


I think this will only improve quality. Take care of yourself first, the rest will come by itself

Jeff Pettengill

I have really enjoyed your creations and the direction you take with them. I will continue to support you as you grow.


Thanks a lot for your understanding. I think your idea about length might be a good idea. Thanks~ 😘


Thanks for understanding! It's time for my life to start turning to another page. 🙂


Wow, I see... that's really unfortunate. I'll do whatever I can to make sure that that won't happen to me! Thanks so much for the big support! 😘😘


Thanks for understanding me so well. 🙂 I'm really glad to have you here, BeastialMoon! And I also like your name as well, hehe


Thanks, Hilde. Yes the course is really fun! lots of work, and practices went into it, and I think I'm starting to see the payoff now, hehe. I'll do my best!


That's very understandable, and it's why I made this post in the first place. I want to be as transparent as possible about what I do. Also, you are very welcome to come back again anytime you feel like it. Thanks for sticking with me all this time. 🙂


Your suggestion are super tempting, haha. but you're very correct about FS. I love it so much, and always passionate about it, but recently it feel so tiresome even just to make a page. But I still love it, so I just can't throw it away. Let's make it end a good note, then move on~ But I'm really thankful to have you here this long. Thanks a lot.


Thanks a lot, Massmanic. And yes, you're very correct, haha. Even the break I took for a month doesn't help me in the long run. And thanks a lot for supporting me for so long. I hope you'll enjoy whatever might come in the future, hehe. 😘😘😘


Thanks a lot for understanding, bonzzzzzzzz! I hope we'll have lots of fun stories to enjoy together in the future. 🙂


Thanks a lot, Jeff! I'll also try my best to keep improving, as long as I'm alive! 🙂

Len White

Welp, been waiting for a reason to unsub.


Yep, I think this is a good time to do so. Thanks for supporting me this far, Len.


Love all your work happy to continue supporting!


Actually i understand that for some reason you feel bored because of only working in FS. But i can tell tou that everyday i'm waiting for the next part, because it's the best tg comics on the net. So feel free to think about something else, but don't let Rika down, because her transformation is not done yet, both physically and mentally. Aunty have to win. I am ready to raise my donation to see this story to go ahead.


Thanks a lot, Bjorn. You're really kind. I'm glad you love FS. I did my best every week, and just hope people would enjoy it. But you're right. I got tired of working on FS. I think I'll go work on something that I really want to do first, then come back fresh, so I can finish this huge story of Rika, haha.


do your ownn pace. if it stresses you with timed schedule than it is better and healthier to go by your own pace, that is important. I am fine with that


Thanks a lot for your understanding. I'll try my best to get the best of both worlds. 😘

Philip Harvey

Nah this is getting retarded now. Your just panning out the story in order to get more money from us. I'm done.


It's been a year. Start from chapter 54.1 and still not finish 56. Maybe FS eat you. I just hope you found a proper solution whatever it is.


yup, that sums it up, FS just kept eating me, haha. And thanks, I think I will find a way out of this soon. (Also, Chapter 56 have only 2 parts, as the second part of it is huge.)

Russell Fenton

No new content since early april. What ever is going on in your life. I hope you get it sorted but as far as this comic and my subscrition are concered. Im out.


Is it the day? (Last question about new chapter sorry...)