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Hello Hello!! I'm back with the last part of FS chapter 10! This part will be the longest part I've made for this story, yay~ I hope you all will enjoy it as much as I do!😉 Now for the next release(Chap 11.1), I think I'll be the next Friday! (definitely not tomorrow. ;P)

As always, enjoy reading! 😊




Rika Chan is so cute ☺️♥️


Can't wait to see what mind games the cafe maids will start playing on RIka


Her breast are growing


Very good development for all the characters. Gives great suspense for the next chapter and the mentally acceptances as she continues her journey. ❤


Very nice. Yes keep Rika poor, maybe even barefooted. Rika's breasts are so visible. Maybe time for him to complain the medicine isn't working the way he wants. Chitoge should walk a bit fast and Rika may find himself to be out of breath. Still what did Auntie get Rika? Higher heels around the house and outdoors is good. But if he had to walk barefooted outside on a hot sidewalk, he may walk gingerly and need to swing hips. An idea, probably make the story too long though, for a theme once a week, Rika could be the barefooted receptionist with a growing belly. Oh that might be too much hillbilly, though.


Um... I kinda find that to be a little too cruel if I am honest. I feel the rate shes going through is very good aside for some things. Shes growing into her new lifestyle and it seems shes accepting it little by little as we can see.


I’m wondering if the end goal is that Chitoge and Rika will be sisters? Maybe cousins? Either way, I can’t wait.


Thank you! It is definitely worth of waiting ^^


So cute Rika-chan, and question, little bumps appeared on his chest?


I would want to see Rika-chan wear more femenine clothes like a dress or skirts


I really love this story, it reminds me a little of one of my all time favorites: Blondie's Lost Summer/Lost Year by KK and Fraylim, not sure if you're familiar with it.


One of the reasons I love this story (besides the fantastic art and characters, of course!) is because Rika-chan is still resisting, feels ashamed, humiliated, embarrassed, etc. I think a lot of TG fiction makes the mistake of allowing the protagonist to embrace/enjoy femininity too quickly, but you do a great job of showing us Rika's emotional and mental journey. Good job!


I know you probably know where you're heading with the story already, but personally I would love to see Rika spend time with some "other" guys. If Rika is worried she's becoming too feminine, then maybe Auntie could suggest the reason is that she's always hanging around with girls/women. The solution: Auntie could arrange for Rika to go out with some boys, but unfortunately it turns into more of a date, not "a guy's night out" as Rika was expecting!


I also have similar ideas to that too~ I’ll keep your suggestion in mind, though. Thanks! 😉


Thank you!! 😘 That’s also what I love about tg stories too. Slow mental change is always the best~ 😁