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I play around with setting and lighting. This is the result I got from it. 😁 I think I'll be using this style of render to make a character sprite for my visual novel game. What do you guys think?




Love it 🤯


I really like the style, are you thinking of using lot of poses or only one (or very few) for every character?


Looks good 👍




I plan to give them about 3 poses each. (just to give them more personality to it.) Plus there'll be lots of CG/scenes (I hope) to help it. : )


I like the style. I think the face on the left one needs more detailed shading. The sprite needs cheeks and maybe a small dimple under the lips. Also, on the same sprites you are thinking of use a few facial expressions like a frown, wringled on the forehead, a smile with teeth... Overall I like the look. I might have more of the chest, but not a lot more, showing for the maid.


beyond perfect. when is the release?


Even I, don't know that. hahaha. Maybe in 4-5 months... I spent all my time on the comic and this game, and it's still not enough. Hopefully, it will be playable before 2021. 😉 I will at least, update once a month!


I dunno that only 3 will be enough, but we'll see :)


hmm, I thought 3 is enough, right? 80% of Visual novel I played, usually have 2 poses and 3 outfits for a character.


Hmmm, depends how you wanna "show" your characters, some VN have even 5+ poses, not counting that each pose have a set of expressions. If you just wanna make some standard pose sure, 3 or 4 may be enough, instead if you wanna show a particular pose, something made explicitly to show better what he/she wearing, or a particular state of mind (like body possession or other stuff like that, where that character assume the pose of the possessor). However as I said, we'll see and I'm really curious. When we'll have a introduction to the story? Like a little description of the protagonists, background of the story etc


i like forever summer. what are some other slow tsf comics that you recommend? preferably, ones that show a "realistic" progression like this (no sci-fi, magic, etc.)


Maybe.. if a character have more outfit and poses, this play will be much better. en... this just a suggestion.


welcome to the magical world of software programming. Super excited to see where this goes. A couple of suggestions as you work more on this project, especially since newcomers and pros alike always suffer for the inevitable demon called feature creep . 1)Sit down and thing about the core 'systems' of your game and throw them in a trello board. This will help give you an effective road map or guide to keep you from going to far off the rails. 2) suggest sharing the trello board with patreons here, then using polls to get feedback from patreon's to give a sense of prioritization 3) determine/guess which systems interact with each other so you can plan on leaving gaps/placeholders as you go to (hopefully) avoid excessive re-work later. Done well the above items can give you a goal post to work towards and keep your fans up to date and involved with your progress


I see, I see. I will post a synopsis maybe later this month. I need to make sure that it has a good foundation because it's gonna be a big game~


try to search for "Goma brothers". That's all I can think, haha. This type of comic is really rare.


wow, never heard of feature creep before, you're right, it's really dangerous. Thanks a lot for this valuable info. I'm using Excel to make my roadmap right now, but man, Trello looks so much better. Alright, let's do this the right way!


I'll DM you two other GB/FEM/TSFgames that you can use to give yourself idea's for how you might want to approach your own planning. They might seem like an overload of information at first, but don't feel the need to emulate them 100%. take baby steps first.