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Here is the last part of Chapter 7 and this month! Looks like Rika-chan can finally have his rest (or is he?). 😁    Anddd Chapter 8.1 is gonna be released around the next friday~

After this chapter, I'm gonna put some real effort into the game I'm making now, my goal is to finish the prototype before this comic ends. It will take a lot of time, but I will try to balance it out with comic releases. I will give you a thorough update about this later. 😉

Lastly, Enjoy reading~




Oh I can’t wait for next chapter ☺️


Next friday? Is it tomorrow? :O


This is where things really start to change for Rika-chan. How fast will the drugs take to start seeing a change?


Nice chapter. I wish it was longer but it is good. One point. If the writing on the bottles in Japanese have information for the story, could it be replace by English or pointed out in a bubble? I was surprised at the clinic Aiko didn't introduce Rika-san as her neice again. I can't wait for Chapter 8 to begin. Maybe by Chapter 9 Rika will have some cleavage to show and Rika will realize how indebted she is to Aiko.


can't wait


don't worry, they will mention the "niece" part in the chapter. oops, I speak too much~ 😗


Looking great


So what is this all about? She already takes „vitamins“ what is the difference with the other things? Sry habe no idea about this 😂


I haven't commented in a while now, but now the guilt accumulated to a point where I can't stand it anymore. You are doing a great job with this story I like it a lot. The pace is slow without being boring and the images are excellent. I will never understand where people like you get your creativity from -.- Thank you for your cool work :)


Wow 😳 thank you thank you~ I’ve worried about the pacing sometimes. It’s really slow and might be boring for some people. But I can’t help to make it like this, since character development is the key to a more enjoyable story IMO. Thanks for letting me know about this! Now I know~ 😋


I love how Riku still thinks that the aunt is doing all for his well-being. Great job Moonlly


Espero con ansías el siguiente capítulo. Te está quedando genial Moonlly!!!! 💜