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I had most of Robot Kitten Factory issue 2 completed early last year but then this little thing called a pandemic hit. While that doesn't sound like something that would affect robot cats, it kinda did because I re-shuffled a bunch of projects and also stopped drawing at my diner on saturday mornings (which is where most of the book was created!)

Now that things have stabilized a bit I'm picking up more creative work and also wrapping up a few half-complete books like this one. The "retro floppy edition" release will be out in a few weeks, not too long. 

There will be illustrations for the upcoming Laser Bathysphere, Magnum Skywolf and Omega Ronin novels, so getting back into pen-form is good. I'm approaching this particular book (Robot Kitten) with really loose pen strokes and just having fun with it, going for a old fashioned hand drawn look instead of the more common sleek and clean digital stuff. We'll see how it turns out! It's a fun read and I have plans for a bunch more.

Enjoy some mostly-complete pages. I'm going through and finalizing stuff this week.

More Laser Bathysphere next post - it's a doozy.




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