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So my new graphics, intro, outro, credits, etc, are getting close to finished, so hopefully we'll get the last two breakdown I have recorded posted, as well as publishing the last two flipbook openly...

But I'm still looking for someone to do my website (and another site for an upcoming project) but as soon as I have that sorted, one of my patrons will be helping me doing the inventory, sort out which scene files that needs updating, etc...

And to remind everyone, the idea is to color code and annotate the scene files, index the techniques used in the scene files in a searchable, fully indexed archive on the site with a separate discussion for each scene and/or techniques used in them.

No small undertaking, but it will make my scene files even more helpful, if you can search them for examples of setups for this or that rather than just going by the flipbook which really says very little about what is actually inside the scene files.

And I want to remind you all that it's you who has made this possible and inspired me to make this all better, hire an editor, etc, and make all this as good as it can be.

So thank you!! I'm so, so appreciative of your support. :D





Great news. Searchable archive with discussion section is going to be extremely helpful. And I am pretty sure it will save you a ton of time in the long run. I mean a lot of people now asking you questions directly will be able to find answers there and not bother you.


Not to mention how I don't remember 90% of my work in those files, so when people ask anything about the setups, I have to open them and see how I even did it, I seriously never remember if you ask me... But funny enough, if someone asks me about hos to do something, I can often point to a single setup in the scene files... The mind, it's weird, in general. My mind, in particular, weird is just beyond inadequate to describe it... :D


There is a saying. I do not remember how it sounds exactly, but the meaning is: " Smart people are not those who keep everything in their heads but those who know where to find information when they need it". So you are without a doubt a very smart person :)


Yeah, the theme in my TD course will sing that tune - how to DO things are pretty uninteresting, how to APPROACH things is the key - HOW to do stuff, you can just google that.


Hi Johny, I can help out with website, I'm wordpress dev and pretty good at linux server