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So just now, as I'm uploading a re-record of my drooping wires quick tip, I passed 300 patrons - wow, that's amazing! :D

And I have been trying for a week to record a video update with the city as a backdrop but I've had issues with wind and trying to record in direct sunlight to get decent exposure of me and the city at the same time - not easy, I can say, and we've come to a point where I'm just gonna post the update here! :D

So the idea going forward is to ramp all this up a fair bit and with that I'm introducing three new tiers. Note that all this is a bit of trial and error so if it turns out people aren't really interested in what these tiers offer, all bets are off and I'll take it from there. :D

And these are the new tiers...

At $5 - "Producers" - and the idea is I want to have some serious feedback on stuff I record, but note that this tier is not for getting access to stuff earlier, the idea is to have a filter with input on quality and potential changes, etc, so for those who really want to help out and make the content better - so basically you'll pay to help out... :D

And again, all finished quicktips, breakdowns and coming tutorials will be posted a week early in the $3 tier, so don't jump onto the $5 tier for earlier access - you'll just see unfinished stuff, just keep to the $3 tier.

At $10 - "Silver Sponsor" - This is are pure sponsoring tier, basically just for bragging rights, helping me out to get more time for doing videos and posting scene files. The silver sponsors will have their own "page" in the outro for all posted videos. 

$25 - "Gold Sponsor"-  The "Gold Sponsor" tier also has it's own "page" in the outro but also offers to add a logo and/or web address to your name, so it's also an opportunity to drive people who watch my clips and such to your channel or webpage.

Additionally the Gold Sponsors will be offered to buy a "Presented by" spot in the, quick tip, breakdowns and coming tutorials, so I'll post a preview on any longer breakdown or tutorial and we'll take it from there. The idea is you get a "This video is sponsored by" voiceover to a person/company/service name/logo/web address as well as a "Thanks to something something for sponsoring this video" at the end of the video, again showing a name/logo/wed address - well, any details and such is easy to work out when it comes to that point.

Well, I hope this sounds good, and if it doesn't, well, lets see if this works out, and if not, I'll have to rethink it all. As I said, this is all trial and error, so lets see what happens! :D




300 - this is sparta

- madness? this is sparta!



And a one hour mentorship? Wouldn’t that be great?


I think that would be impossible, sadly, because I guarantee you that I could/would get 50 people to sign up for that, and that's not even easy to sync with a single person for 1:1 training - I know as I've done that kind of tutoring/mentoring before, hehe... ;) I think what would benefit people the most is if I get my sh!t together on the tutorial side and proceeded to get my courses out - because then I can just go through all these concepts step by step, then show people how to use them to break down problems and create cool stuff - and this is the first stumbling steps of that, these quick tips, and me getting back to doing breakdowns, etc... :)


well why promoting a film that is full of lies about history !


Lots of fun movies are based on complete BS and I think it's a mistake to look at the graphic novel and/or movie through the lens of modern politics. And most seem to miss that the movie fixes the bad historical accuracy in the comic by putting it, not as a story about what actually happened at Thermopylae, but instead it's Dilius retelling of it through wild exaggeration, hyperbole and embellishment. 😉 And the actual events of the Greeko-Persian wars are absolutely fascinating as well, though not very easy to retell in one movie. I'd love that as a 10 season HBO series, though. 😁