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Dunno if you guy's get a notification when I move a post from one tier to another, but if you don't, I just moved toe walkthrough to the $1 tier for 3 days before I'm posting it openly on Vimeo. :)


And ffs, feedback people - I need to know what sucks - or not - and what to change and/or get better at, etc... :D



Hi Johan, well first no -i dont get notifications when you move posts. Seconds the wlakthrough is great, can't say anythig is wrong with it, clear and concise. It is worth to mention that it's a good idea that you talk about one or two other ways to get to the same result, and that you explain why you choose a certain way in this instance, it's also good if you drop some general principles like you did about attributes in houdini, first you accumulate the building blocks then you invent how to assemble them as you go, it is usefull to also understand the principles because that's how you learn how to think not just copy :)


Exactly, and that's what I hope to be able to get a course recorded about, as much how you think when tackling problems as what you can actually do - because the great thing in Houdini is there is a 1000 ways to do the same thing, and everything is possible, the only thing that's stopping anyone from doing anything, is way more about how you approach it than knowing shit - because I google stuff all the time, search OD Force, etc, but it's to find out how to solve a specific step, doing a setup, not how to do the setup in itself. :)