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Gonna be adding a few more races and reworking gods for the character creation process. 

Satyrs, Centaurs, Giants and Dwarfs I think.




I'm waiting for these rules to come out to so I can build a toaster, er...warforged...er...something like that...


Why can't I see this satyr's giant dangling cock?

Payten Pedersen

Wow i just asked about more playabld races and i was blessed with this


Wait, does Rap have their own game? Or is it like a sex version of DnD?


Does it only have to be like DnD? Or would you go something along the Corruption of Champions route with your game if you could set it up that way, like a sex based text adventure, with your pictures implemented obviously.


fantastic would love some good art of these satyrs, they look great


What about Orcs?

Deso's Prophet

Did a trait roll for shits and giggles, I got 83 kids I don't know, and I'm decked out in tats.


Also did one, my boobs jiggle when I blink and I get pregnant a lot.

Samuel A Booth

Made an interesting character with this sheet and old creation rules.


Swords and sheafs in equal measure that's what I always say.


Scalli you do so much already! I am drowning in the biggest variety of body types an NSFW artist has ever produced! You render SFW landscapes that delight my very essence! AND you're making a whole-ass game (heh heh Ass Game) you're incredible!


Your boobs are not actually gargantuan, you just have a monster bound to your chest that tries to escape whenever you're "not looking"

Kevin Wright

Heh, #3 and #8 hit my funny bone best. #4 and #20 are runners up.

Beckett Arnold

I love their designs and their mischief, but if it isn't already locked in uh... 'all this kind of folk are the product of SA' is not necessarily a thing everyone wants in their games


Yeah you’re right, I’ll think of somethin’ lighter. Been on a medieval horror stint lately, must’ve slipped in.