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I quite like some of the jokes on this page.

There will be an incredibly sexy vampire at the head of the Slapntikl Homeowner’s Association, the cult of the starting city.

Still currently trying to find the best way to do a bunch of flavourful NPCs, might go the Mothership route.

EDIT: Added a few clarifications.






Eerie Charisma: The Vampire is immune to the Horny status effect. So, wait, as they gain more power it kills their libido / sex drive? Seems like a drawback to me in this very horny world.


I'm glad you handwaved away some of the most crippling/unfun parts of actually being a vampire. Nobody likes having to remind the party they have to wait till nightfall to do anything, and some dms take the wooden stake thing as a bullshit insta kill against players. Maybe add a way to temporarily enthrall people, so they can do the whole, "feed on someone after being let in through the window thing" then get away like a thief in the night before the victim snaps out of it


I think is just the status effect, they can still fuck arpund but they won't go crazy about it like the horny status effect makes others


I'm so glad I called the vampire comeback. And it's formatted as a class, which I really enjoy the look of.




What observable physical changes if any does the transformation cause? Is it immediately obvious that a character is a vampire to a fae hunter?

Erratic Bandit

This is great, if only I could find peeps to play with


For clarity, when you say they "have the choice INSTEAD", does this mean it's their only choice and they no longer get traditional level-up benefits, or is it just a further option added to the list that they can take normally (and you emphasized 'instead' to make it clear it wasn't a bonus on top of the usual pick)? That kind of phrasing problem is always a big tripping point for RPG rulebooks.

Blood Raven

Hey I think I saw a problem in regards to Hunger and dehydration status effects and dying. You put down that when you die instead of rolling on the dead tabl,e you come back with 50% health. I think you should have an addendum that deaths contributed by the two status effects mean that you retain those status effects after revival and or start with less blood in your gauge.

Loot Goblin

I do wonder, how does the blood point system effect blood spells like blood whip, since it uses the type of dice used, and not the result. I can't imagine a player just running around with a whip that does a flat 10+3 damage.