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Hey everyone! Let's welcome May together!

First of all, thanks for your support during April! 

Rewards for the second update cycle were sent out the other day, however I received a couple messages from fellow users telling me how they had their default settings set to only 1 pledge per month for some reason, hence why probably they  were not added to the reward tracker in Patron's manager automatically for the second post and perhaps they missed out on those rewards!

If this was your situation and you did intend to obtain and support both paid updates and would like to receive the rewards please send me a private message and ill send you the links, no problem, no harm done, and no worries about pledging extra this time around, seemed like a bug on Patreon's side!

That aside, let's look forward to new content and releases this month together, later today I'll be publishing the battler poll with updated suggestions straight out of our suggestion inbox, and get back to you with some more news!

Talk to you all later! And welcome aboard to all new faces! 
