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Hello Librarians!

We follow up this double release night with the release for...

Automated Knights!

13 related item icons which you can use to display creature loot or equipment!

High Quality illustration battlers!

Full resolution PSD and Sliced up PSD  included so you can adapt this design to what your project requires!

Librarium Blog

Hello Librarians!

The promised double release is here and I think it features some of the best Librarium Icons to date yet! 

Overall The new content in Librarium releases has gotten good reception and I feel it has increased the usefulness of Librarium assets as a hole!

This month not only did we reinforce on the Pixel art side of releases, I also finally managed to bring back the SV Sheet format for Librarium Animated releases, along launching special bonuses on some releases such as the corpse flower and its closed form! early into the month I also did some serious practice and training to increase the quality in our Librarium humanoids, which I feel will be perceived with the new wave of designs i'll be completing during December!

During December I'm also going to be tackling pumping out the lagged full releases in the same way we just caught up with automated Knights and Ultimate monsters!

the next Librarium full release will be...

Librarium Animated - Jormungandr

Stay tuned!

Thanks for your support as always! December polls will be live around December 3rd!

Downlod it today!

Dragon DL:





Didn't ultimate monsters and automated knights release a while ago? And jormungondr too? Didn't all three of those release already? You still haven't even done the june full releases... Why are you going back and doing older ones? Complete list of battlers you're late on: -Demon Puppeteer -Elder Corrupted Tree -Fallen Shogunate -Dragon Emperor Bahamut Human Form -Abarax, the Demon Prince of Betrayal -Liches -Female Demons -Cerberus -Ancient Beast God of the Abyss -Feral and Flying Monsters -Golems pt5 -Maoth the Child of Chaos -Osventios The Dragon God of Origins -Cute Familiars pt1 -Greater Undead and Giants -Slime Witch -Kukulkan The Aztec Storm Bringer -Bioluminescent Celestial Creatures Pt1 -Training Dummies pt2 -Dragon-Human Hybrid -Wendigo -Yokai Wild Beasts pt1 -Succubus Battlers pt2 -Succubus Queen -Runic Treant Guardian -Sacred Snakes and Corrupted Phoenix -Fallen Kings Remake -Dark Soul Reaper Golem -Archfiend Asherah -Ultimate Dragon Pack 2022 Animated -Goken, Fallen King of Giants -Elemental Phoenix -Holy Order Paladins -Black Knight Demoness -Archfiend Belphegor -Small Elementals -Essential Monsters pt1 -Mothman -Valkyrie with Bow and Arrow -Female Demons II -Tiamat the Primordial Evil Dragon and her Daughter -Zaful, Minotaur of the Thousand Tempest (me) -Archfiend Mammon (me) -Baby Dragons (me) -Essential Monsters pt2 (me) THATS 49 FULL RELEASES BEHIND. Even if you released a new full release every other day (which is likely impossible) it would still take 3+ months to catch up! Why are you focusing on re-releasing old battlers with new content when you could be working on the 49 battler long backlog? This is getting ridiculous...


It's like we get 1, maybe 2 releases a month, which just causes the backlog to pile up more and more. 8 full releases a month are needed to keep on track, and we'll need at least 16 full releases a month to EVER be able to catch up. That doesn't seem reasonable with how slow Aekashics is making full releases and how much stuff he's backing into the releases when I just want the battlers.


i been away for a few months due to financial problems but im back now and really liking the new stuff these guys have darksouls written all over them and i love it! the gear(icons) included is pretty awesome. and i love the sv battlers(i missed them) for alot of your statics i slice them up and make animated sv sheets. anyway seems like you been doing some pretty amazing things. ohh @KrimsonKat you forgot one on your list lmao the conqueror. i wont take it personally that you forgot about him.