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November 2023 Librarium Animated Poll!

  • Mer Monter by Shin 2
  • Dragon Slayer by Steven 1
  • Davy Jones Kraken by Skymin 4
  • Dragoon/Dragon Knight by DecayingDev 9
  • Boss Valkyrie with Bow and Arrow – Female by MetaChaser 11
  • Druggon, Veteran Knight (Chained Mace) by Steve Fox 2
  • Crimson Knight with Spear by MetaChaser 5
  • Zaful, Minotaur of the Thousand Tempest 11
  • Gorgon, Stone Maker Bovine by James Marion 3
  • Wretch - The Wicked By Moderner Dadaismus 3
  • NovaStar the Try Element Deity! By shinyBlueDragon 5
  • Xoer the Unbound By Fyoha 3
  • Battlewinner, the Ultimate Swordswomanby Krimsonkatt 3
  • The Minotaur, Sun Son by James Marion 4
  • Mothman by Catpricorn Studios 16
  • Básin “Wildclaw” Hoffin, the ex animal tamerby SigXGiS 1
  • Predatory Animal Grizzly by DEwards 2
  • Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus 3
  • Aluke by Ezequiel Nilo 0
  • Felka by Ezequiel Nilo 1
  • Archfiend Mammon by KrimsonKatt 11
  • 2023-11-03
  • —2023-11-27
  • 100 votes
{'title': 'November 2023 Librarium Animated Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Mer Monter by Shin', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Dragon Slayer by Steven', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Davy Jones Kraken by Skymin', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Dragoon/Dragon Knight by DecayingDev', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Boss Valkyrie with Bow and Arrow – Female by MetaChaser', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Druggon, Veteran Knight (Chained Mace) by Steve Fox', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Crimson Knight with Spear by MetaChaser', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Zaful, Minotaur of the Thousand Tempest', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Gorgon, Stone Maker Bovine by James Marion', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Wretch - The Wicked By Moderner Dadaismus', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'NovaStar the Try Element Deity! By shinyBlueDragon', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Xoer the Unbound By Fyoha', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Battlewinner, the Ultimate Swordswomanby Krimsonkatt', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'The Minotaur, Sun Son by James Marion', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Mothman by Catpricorn Studios', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Básin “Wildclaw” Hoffin, the ex animal tamerby SigXGiS', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Predatory Animal Grizzly by DEwards', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Aluke by Ezequiel Nilo', 'votes': 0}, {'text': ' Felka by Ezequiel Nilo', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Archfiend Mammon by KrimsonKatt', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 27, 3, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 3, 2, 56, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 100}


Animated picks for the November 2023 period!

Lets vote!

Mer Monter by Shin

Deep ocean monster

Dragon Slayer by Steven

A man wearing armor that has a dragon head as the helmet. Similar to the dragon slayer from Adventure Quest.

Davy Jones Kraken by Skymin

A bipedal Kraken based on the villian from "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" complete with a pirate hat and a hook for one of his hands and a sword on the other hand. Wears a black and silver jacket with black pants. Known as the bane of the seven seas to all pirates and marines throughout the waters. Can attack with the sword, hook, and the third attack can be special where the hook disappearsand instead becomes a mini cannon for him to shoot a cannonball towards the enemy! (Can change name for the listing if you want.)

Dragoon/Dragon Knight by DecayingDev

Knight with more dragon/drake-like armor features, and possibly a set of wings.

Boss Valkyrie with Bow and Arrow – Female by MetaChaser

Animated Female Boss Valkyrie who has a Bow and Arrows made of light. Shoots the Arrows. Wears the blue armor similar to that of other Valkyries

Druggon, Veteran Knight (Chained Mace) by Steve Fox

A man with a right eye-patch (or using an helm), big armor and a gigantic chained mace as weapon.

Crimson Knight with Spear by MetaChaser

Female Crimson Knight boss with long orange-ish red hair and porcelain white skin, who wields a long spear. Her attack movements would be attacking with the spear like in a thrusting piercing motion. She wears the same red armor as the other Crimson knights and has wings like them also. Her hair should be an orangish-red so that there is still some contrast with the red armor she is wearing. If she could have an attack animation where she throws the spear, or maybe commands the spear to shoot out at the player (like she doesn't need to be touching it) that would be great also.

Zaful, Minotaur of the Thousand Tempest

A wind-elemental minotaur with wearing green armor and wielding a two-pronged polaex that is also wind elemental, spinning it around to create massive tornados. Zaful comes from a world where animals gained sentience and magickal powers, and used these powers to overthrow, enslave, and eventually destroy their human masters. However, in place of their oppressors came an even worse ruler: the greedy pig Emperor Theodore who gave special treatment to pigs and only pigs and made the lives of every other animal miserable. A group of three friends: Rheap the Hound, Flux the Goldfish, and Zaful the Bull, set out to stop Theodore and claim rule of the island for themselves. With the help of a mysterious cat with white fur and piercing yellow eyes that was neither male or female, the team of three defeated Theodore. However, the three friends quickly began to disagree and fight among how their new society should be ruled. Zaful wanted a new society where people's worth would be based on their actions, with only the most worthy being able to lead and the rest of society being merely the cogs in the great machine. Rheap wanted to create a society similar to the one before, albeit one without the pig-based racism. IE keeping the status quo. Meanwhile Flux wanted a society where everyone was treated equally, where there was no one ruler and everyone had equal say in what society should look like. In the end, Zaful won the conflict with the help of the white cat, and slayed his two former friends in the process, sending them to the underworld to be reborn. Eventually that universe would be destroyed and Zaful would venture forth into other worlds, leaving his former friends behind who still sought revenge. In another world, they met up once again and fought, but eventually made up with one another in their reincarnated forms and strived to work again as a team. Not only to try to recreate their lost kingdom, but also to get revenge on the white cat that split them apart in the first place, who's reincarnation existed in this very world. The Calamity Trigger: Zero.

Gorgon, Stone Maker Bovine by James Marion
This is the bull version and not the Medusa version. It's attack is supposed to turn people to stone. It looks like a bull on steroids with bat wings, details on the color to come. It has a body and head that is a quite low saturated in color and is medium bright the hue with the hue being a green-blue. It has big bat wings where on the back of the wings are red as are the special bone lines on the front of the wings are red. Its wing's bottom is a deep rich blue that is not the solid red (color of back of the wings and the wing bone lines in the front/bottom of the wings). It has hooves that are orange-red much closer to red than orange. It also has deep-red bull horns. Its eyes are bright-red without eye circles inside the eye red but instead where the entire eye slots are bright red. The mouth inside is of a bright-red. Its fluff on the back of the bull tail is black instead of the muted-medium blue-green.

Wretch - The Wicked By Moderner Dadaismus

Formerly an commoner, seeking for power to overcome his weakness as a mere human.
He got his hands on a spell, which bounds a curse within its user, to overcome mortality and to gain an open door to master the power of the death.
It is a painful procedure, since it slowly transforms you into your undead form, hence you suffer from unbelievable pain and unstability, tearing on your flesh and inner organs.
As he casted the spell to curse on his humanity, he slowly undergoes his transformation into his new undead, skeletal body, eventually gaining the power to become a lich.
Even if he suffered from extreme physical and psychological pain, he does enjoy every step he does. His lust and greed for power overshadows his pain.
The spell has another problem.
You continuously need to offer soulstones, filled with the soul of an human, since the spell demands a powerfull source to work.
How will his story end? Will he reach his destination of unbelievable power as a lich, or will his decision fail him?

This villain in its form I personally want to be the animated battler, is representing his semi transformed form of still being partly a human, but the curse did already take a part of him.
His Hair is semi long, gray and really sruffy, neglected.
His face should show a deep grin, representing his greed and madness.
His face should also have parts of his left faceside torn skinparts, up to slightly over his left eye, showing the skeleton beneath his skin. His left eye is gone at this point.
His Skeleton is dark grey.
His tooth is already completely uncovered on the right side of his mouth, fading into the still persistent skinside of his left side of the mouth.
Normally his eye color is green, his right eye is still showing this color. His left eye is gone hence to the skeletal form coming out.
He wears a really scruffy and long red scarf around his neck, waving down to the bottom.
He wears a ruined and black shirt, aswell as his other clothing parts are really aged, damaged and neglected. He should wear leather boots.
He fights with a rather simple one handed steelsword and his necrotic magicskills.

NovaStar the Try Element Deity! By shinyBlueDragon

A Massive Divine God with the heads representing different creatures, Main head of an owl, Nature head of a wolf, shadow of a dragon, water of a griffon, and fire of a serpent or Cobra-->refhttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/594053007120680761/

Xoer the Unbound  By Fyoha

Xoer has decided to break the curse that binds him to the Legendary Knight, Michael, and be a free entity of pure darkness once again. He must be stopped before he regains his full power or possibly find refuge within new vessel!

Battlewinner, the Ultimate Swordswomanby Krimsonkatt

A beautiful female swordswoman with long jet-black hair and piercing golden eyes. Has a wicked smile on at old times and is known for being cold and sadistic. She is an artificial human created by Trello and serves as his special inquisitor leading the "black blades" secret police that ensures Trello's control of the country and it's information spread. She wears slim black armor, wears deep red lipstick, and wields a blade of pure darkness.

The Minotaur, Sun Son by James Marion

Sun Son wields a two-handed polearm that is with an absolutely huge rectangular hammer head that has a pyramid shaped stake on the front side most meant for smashing. He has all light, light very light yellow short fur that is also dull in contrast to bright. He has a single pauldron that has the end away from Sun Son's neck sticking out far off the shoulder instead of rounding off on top of the arm. This pauldron is a dark gray metal. He has a brown leather strap from the pauldron stretching diagonally down to it's belt on Sun Son's front upper torso and his back upper torso with the belt that is also brown trimmed in gold along with a big black buckle. He wears spiked silver knuckles on the hand most in front view. Sun Son has a silver bangle on his upper arm also on the arm in view that is of a curly shape. He has a deep dark yellow skirt that looks like its a tiny upgrade from a savage loin cloth. Sun Son has deep dark yellow hooves. Sun Son is easily noticeably much taller than the previously designed "White Death". He has the same amount of muscle but looks less bulky for being so tall. Sun Son lacks any nose ring as typically seen on bulls, but not Sun Son.

Mothman by Catpricorn Studios

Inspired by the Mothman cryptid, I think a six limbed Mothman with red eyes could be cool. Perhaps a more exotic form of moth would be the best way to go about it to make it feel a bit more unique than a dark palette one.

Básin “Wildclaw” Hoffin, the ex animal tamerby SigXGiS

Since a young age, Básin has a talent to tame wild animals through nonverbal communication and empathy. After he was sold as a child, he escaped and started a life as a bandit known as “Wildclaw” with a group of wild animals. He was defeated by the hero and the local police force.

Predatory Animal Grizzly by DEwards

A Gnoll Boss

Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus

Thovor is an everliving King, of a mountainous province in the very north.
Even though his age stretches over centurys, back to the ages of the early dark time, where humankind built its dominion and fought about power, his appearcence is considered to look very old and aged.
He gained his eternity as he was already an old man, as he was king of his province, achieved trough a bound he underwent, a bound with a ghost, which also seeked for the position to eternally control over this place with an iron fist, to secure the spirits of the very ancestors of this cold land from outlanders which were considered unworthy to control over such reign.
The ghost took parts of his mind, the king got what he seeked for. Both, Thovor and the Ghost were now one.
The pure everlasting power streaming trough his blood, the amount of harsh circumstances and battles he witnessed, aswell as the constantly cold climate left him cold, hard, merciless and without a hint of emotionality.
The only thing he feels is his will for power, which he wants to be secured to his throne for ever. People, especially outlanders fear him, as you can feel the cold atmosphere as you stand next to him, colder then the already cold climate.
The people which obey Thovors reign, worship him as a god, believing that his everlasting life is ment to be a prophecy.

Thovor looks shaped by the time, he is old, his face looks as hard as you can imagine.
He has semi-long grey hair which is combed by the wind, aswell as his beard is.
He wears his longswordl, which he wields with both hands. It is a very special one, since it has engravements of nordic runes, which embody the ancestors.
He wears a crown and a cloak worthy of such king.
Other than that he essentially wears a thick nordic steel armor, also with nordic engravements, considered to be impenetrable.
His skin shouldnt be too pale white, but still as you would imagine.

Aluke by Ezequiel Nilo

The Demon Little Red Riding Hood

Felka by Ezequiel Nilo

The forest child

Archfiend Mammon by KrimsonKatt

The archfiend of greed, the monster appears as a golden face of a woman inside of a massive golden wheel with two golden wings rotating left and right. The wheel is encrusted with all sorts of rare gems and constantly rotates around and around. Four golden arms reach out from the sides of the face, and above the wheel, each having long red claes and red spikes on the elbows. Sometimes, the face turns outside down, changing form and attack pattern into "defense mode." Here is an image: https://imgur.com/rMT5QFu


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