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Hello Librarians!

Today we have the full release for Aquatic Elder Demons II!

Librarium Blog!

Hello and good morning/night!

Let's start off by going into interesting trivia regarding this release, Aquatic Demons II!

Leviathan Whale


Angler Eye

A group of three powerful aquatic fiends that exist deep within the ocean's depths, the fabled "abyss." Also known as "Elder Demons," these beasts are the eldest of the terrors spawned from the crimson Meteor that seek to terrorize the surface. The primary enemy of the merfolk. -KrimsonKatt

For the Aquatic Demons I was given pretty specific descritions so I matched them the best I could to the written ideas! Thse creatures should comfortably fit into deep sea combats or as minions under the command of another entity, hope you will like them!

Quite a busy week for me! I finally got around to completing and posting up the release master list, along a bunch of other behind the scenes work, my next task in that front will be onc eagain updating the batch libraries, but for now the asset creation continues!

The next Librarium release will be:

More Corrupted Legendary Knights as suggested by Ariadne!


Download it today!

Dragon DL:


Rest of downloads:

Post Attachment Section!



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